usepat / soniccontrol

A python based lightweight GUI to control and communicate with a SonicAmp
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Bug Hunting #121

Open DavidWild02 opened 2 months ago

DavidWild02 commented 2 months ago

Write the bugs found as a comment or add it to the bullet list, by editing the description

TechHeadusePAT commented 1 month ago

Aufm Mac kommt es beim Verbinden zu einem Fehler (obviously, weil das Filesystem anders zu behandlen ist)... Fehlermeldung sieht so aus: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/logs/deviceon/dev/cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.log'

TechHeadusePAT commented 1 month ago

Neues Fehlerbild:

2024-08-06 17:12:23,910 - asyncio - ERROR - - Task exception was never retrieved future: <Task finished name='Task-6' coro=<ConnectionWindow._on_connect_via_url() done, defined at /Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/views/core/> exception=AssertionError()> - exception: (<class 'AssertionError'>, AssertionError(), <traceback object at 0x116b4fc00>) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/views/core/", line 85, in _on_connect_via_url await self._attempt_connection(connection_name, reader, writer) File "/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/utils/", line 94, in wrapper**animation_start_kwargs) File "/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/utils/", line 44, in run assert(self._worker is None) AssertionError

TechHeadusePAT commented 1 month ago

Bitte kommentiere hier, wenn ich wieder testen soll (sonst muss ich commits hunten ;-)

DavidWild02 commented 1 month ago

Usepat logo soll als app icon dienen

DavidWild02 commented 1 month ago

auf windows soll die App die richtigen Rechte haben

DavidWild02 commented 1 month ago


Wos a immo do do Fehla isch. Bo...

TechHeadusePAT commented 1 month ago

Ein blichen mehr Information zum assertion error, vollständige stdout am Mac ab Start, er verbindet sich übrigens korrekt

(venv310soniccontrol) stefanradel@Riavvio soniccontrol2 % python -m soniccontrol Installing fonts... ==> QTypeOT-CondExtraLight ==> QTypeOT-CondLight ==> QTypeOT-CondMedium ==> QTypeOT-CondBold ==> QTypeOT-CondBook Installed 5 fonts 2024-08-12 11:42:20,278 - soniccontrol - INFO - - SonicControl 1.9.8 - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:20,279 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Author: usePAT G.m.b.H - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:20,279 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Email: - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:20,279 - soniccontrol - INFO - - License: - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:20,279 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Status: Development - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:20,279 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Python: 3.10.11 (v3.10.11:7d4cc5aa85, Apr 4 2023, 19:05:19) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:20,279 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Platform: darwin - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:21.172 Python[32346:33845460] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/n3/ck7n0p5n4wvg7dxdrcl8d6br0000gp/T/org.python.python.savedState 2024-08-12 11:42:21,269 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Enabling high dpi awareness for DARWIN/ LINUX - exception: None 2024-08-12 11:42:36.485 Python[32346:33845460] WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state! Enable secure coding by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState: and returning YES. 2024-08-12 11:43:29,525 - asyncio - ERROR - - Task exception was never retrieved future: <Task finished name='Task-4' coro=<ConnectionWindow._on_connect_via_url() done, defined at /Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/views/core/> exception=AssertionError()> - exception: (<class 'AssertionError'>, AssertionError(), <traceback object at 0x10a240400>) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/views/core/", line 85, in _on_connect_via_url await self._attempt_connection(connection_name, reader, writer) File "/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/utils/", line 94, in wrapper**animation_start_kwargs) File "/Users/stefanradel/git/soniccontrol2/soniccontrol/tkintergui/utils/", line 44, in run assert(self._worker is None) AssertionError

TechHeadusePAT commented 1 month ago

soniccontrol2 % sudo soniccontrol Installing fonts... ==> QTypeOT-CondExtraLight ==> QTypeOT-CondLight ==> QTypeOT-CondMedium ==> QTypeOT-CondBold ==> QTypeOT-CondBook Installed 5 fonts 2024-08-13 14:59:20,246 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Python: 3.10.11 (v3.10.11:7d4cc5aa85, Apr 4 2023, 19:05:19) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:20,247 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Platform: darwin - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:20.523 Python[41918:34808690] WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state! Enable secure coding by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState: and returning YES. 2024-08-13 14:59:20,831 - soniccontrol - INFO - - Enabling high dpi awareness for DARWIN/ LINUX - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:29,126 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.ConnectionBuilder - INFO - - Trying to connect with legacy protocol - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:29,141 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.LegacySerialCommunicator - INFO - - Open communication with handshake - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:35,155 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.LegacySerialCommunicator - INFO - - Answer(_lines=[], unknown_answers=set(), _valid=False, _measured_response=6.027251958847046, _creation_timestamp=1723553969.128117) - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:35,156 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.LegacySerialCommunicator - INFO - - Write command: b'?info\n' - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:37,657 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.LegacySerialCommunicator - INFO - - Received Answer: [] - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:37,658 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.ConnectionBuilder - WARNING - - Connection could not be established with legacy protocol - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:37,658 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.ConnectionBuilder - INFO - - Trying to connect with new sonic protocol - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:37,664 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.SerialCommunicator - INFO - - Send command: ?info - exception: None 2024-08-13 14:59:37,664 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.SerialCommunicator - INFO - - Write package: <0#0#1#5#?info>

ALLE COMMANDS, autoread was on

mit autoread off ist der Fehler 2024-08-13 15:04:39,044 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.ui.SerialMonitor - ERROR - - - exception: None 2024-08-13 15:04:58,895 - cu.usbserial-AQ03TH4W.ui.SerialMonitor - ERROR - - - exception: None

gestartet am Mac mit sudo soniccontrol

SonicTS commented 3 weeks ago


frequency scale is on the wrong side

DavidWild02 commented 3 weeks ago

Device Logs show the application logs

SonicTS commented 2 weeks ago

Recovery mode should have a scripting tab and should be able to set the baudrate

TechHeadusePAT commented 2 weeks ago

Sonicmeasure läuft nicht von höheren nach niedrigeren Frequenzen. Ich kann nicht sagen, ob das ein Problem der App oder mit der Firmware ist. Ich verwende den ramp Befehl der Firmware...