useragents / Proxyless-Spotify-Follow-Bot

💚 UNLIMITED followers on Spotify profile
463 stars 67 forks source link

how to make run properly ? #37

Closed toxickush closed 2 years ago

toxickush commented 2 years ago

i installed the requirements .txt fine but im not too sure as to what else the code needs changed to run properly ?

i run it and all my idle shell shows is this

= RESTART: C:\Users\oacoo\OneDrive\Desktop\bots\bot\xoldver\likesmodule\followbot\Proxyless-Spotify-Follow-Bot-main\ xxxxxdemolinkxxxxx

my code is as follows.. i have no proxies to use just a VPN.

from follow_bot import spotify import threading, os, time

lock = threading.Lock() counter = 0 proxies = [] proxy_counter = 0 spotify_profile = str(input("xxxxxdemolinkxxxxx")) threads = int(input("\nThreads: "))

def load_proxies(): if not os.path.exists("proxies.txt"): print("\nFile proxies.txt not found") time.sleep(10) os._exit(0) with open("proxies.txt", "r", encoding = "UTF-8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.replace("\n", "") proxies.append(line) if not len(proxies): print("\nNo proxies loaded in proxies.txt") time.sleep(10) os._exit(0)

print("\n[1] Proxies\n[2] Proxyless") option = int(input("\n> ")) if option == 1: load_proxies()

def safe_print(arg): lock.acquire() print(arg) lock.release()

def thread_starter(): global counter if option == 1: obj = spotify(spotify_profile, proxies[proxy_counter]) else: obj = spotify(spotify_profile) result, error = obj.follow() if result == True: counter += 1 safe_print("Followed {}".format(counter)) else: safe_print(f"Error {error}")

while True: if threading.active_count() <= threads: try: threading.Thread(target = thread_starter).start() proxy_counter += 1 except: pass if len(proxies) <= proxy_counter: #Loops through proxy file proxy_counter = 0

useragents commented 2 years ago

Spotify has blacklisted several VPN IP addresses from register, depending on what VPN you have. For example, my current VPN Mullvad works fine but I tested HMA and they blacklisted their IP addresses. You do not have to edit any of the files whatsoever, just run it and enter your Spotify link/username.