uvic-aero / onboard-computer

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UVic AERO Onboard Computer

The purpose of the Onboard Computer (OBC) is to provide an functionality and interfacing to remote vehicles. The software runnning on OBC will adapt with the requirements of each years competition.


Getting Started

  1. Install python3.6 or greater
  2. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/uvic-aero/onboard-computer.git
  3. Change directory into onboard computer cd onboard-computer
  4. Create Python3 virtual env python3 -m venv env
  5. Activate virtual environment source env/bin/activate
  6. Install python requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. Open the config.ini file located in the root directory of this repository
  2. Edit the groundstation ip address to http://[address of machine runnig gcs]
  3. Leave groundstation port as is unless explicitly modified on gcs


Start obc by running (in the repository root) python3 obc.py

Check that the software is running by visiting the server

Running Unittests

OBC uses the Unittest framework

Tests live in the /test directory and can be ran with

python3 -m unittest test.[test_module_name]


make runtest module=[test_module_name]

For example run the Vision test with:

python3 -m unittest test.test_qrcode_classification


make runtest module=test_qrcode_classification