uwhpsc-2016 / lectures

Notes, slides, and code from the in-class lectures.
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Discrepancy in MatMul Slides vs. Demo #9

Open werrah opened 8 years ago

werrah commented 8 years ago

In the Lecture 8 slides, the final line in MatMul is C[ i * N + j ] += A[ i * N +k ] * B[ k * N + j ]. That first and last N should be K, correct? In the demo, that line is changed to C[ K * i + j ] += A[ N * i +k ] * B[ K * k + j ]. When I was working it out by hand so it would make sense in my head, the demo code made sense, but the lecture slides didn't. Is that a mistake in the slides, or is there something I'm missing that would explain whey the two are different?

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

You are absolutely correct. There was a typo (two, in fact) in the lecture slides. I will upload a correction.

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

Corrections uploaded. I will notify the class along with the quiz reminder.