valadaptive / ntsc-rs

Free, open-source analog TV + VHS effect. Standalone application + plugin (After Effects, Premiere, and OpenFX).
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(suggestion) audio effect #15

Open fukionline opened 6 months ago

fukionline commented 6 months ago

option to also apply the vhs effect to the audio

VexorionReal commented 5 months ago

@valadaptive Yes please

valadaptive commented 5 months ago

An audio effect would definitely be nice, and is something I've thought about implementing. However, it's a lot of work. Creating a realistic audio effect requires some knowledge of digital signal processing, which I don't really have right now, and after implementing the effect itself, I have to add support to the After Effects and OpenFX plugins, and the GUI.

I may get to it at some future point, but I don't really know where to start. I'll leave this issue open until then.

fukionline commented 5 months ago

Alright, it's understandable. This whole project in itself seems pretty impressive, i think i've seen some apps with an audio effect before like truevhs. Hopefully it gets in but only time will tell

Degamisu commented 3 months ago

This is an amazing suggestion. Is this feasible? It could be released to the standalone app before adding to the other plugins. Interference methods should be implemented though. For example, turning the audio signal into an analog signal, adding the interference (maybe in the bandwidth slider), then turning it back into a digital signal. This can be as simple as plotting the amplitudes. I did something like this, but with video. It doesn't work good right now, but older versions have the ability to plot an input file. If you want the GH repo, you can find it here

valadaptive commented 3 months ago

@Degamisu, replying to every suggestion with something to the tune of "I support this suggestion" is unproductive and only creates more notifications for me to sift through. There have been a lot of them over the past week: image

I appreciate your enthusiasm, and am grateful for your assistance for people who have opened new bug reports, but I am well aware that multiple people have requested support for audio at this point (as you may notice, I'm tracking such issues using the "audio" label).

The reason I haven't implemented it yet is because I have no digital signal processing knowledge. ntsc-rs' composite video and VHS emulation is (AFAIK) quite accurate when compared to most other effects people are currently using, and I want any audio effect to be held to the same standard. I could implement it by slapping an EQ and some white noise / buzz sounds on top of the audio, but then again, people could implement a VHS effect by adding a "blur" then a "sharpen" effect to a video and ripping some VHS static off YouTube to overlay on it. I've looked a bit into other tape-emulation audio plugins, but they're mostly proprietary and don't come with detailed[^1] descriptions of how they work.

[^1]: I do mean detailed: something like "turn the audio signal into an analog signal then back into a digital signal" is meaningless. All signals that a computer can operate on are digital, including the ones that ntsc-rs operates over. What ntsc-rs simulates is the process of modulating a 2-dimensional image with 3 color channels into a 1-dimensional waveform and demodulating it back. That waveform is still entirely digital.

Degamisu commented 3 months ago

I see, in that case, ill lay off a bit. no hard feelings.

valadaptive commented 3 months ago

No worries; I feel like I came across a bit harsh reading it back. Mostly I just don't want you to feel like you need to contribute to every issue. I genuinely do appreciate you helping people troubleshoot!

Degamisu commented 3 months ago
