valdisvi / espeak-ng-espeakedit

GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

Doesn't compile #1

Open elspru opened 6 years ago

elspru commented 6 years ago

after linking espeak-ng-data to espeak-data in the root directory and doing make -B it ends with:

cd dictsource && ESPEAK_DATA_PATH=/home/vrenpces/Downloads/espeak-ng-espeakedit LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../src::/usr/local/lib ../src/espeak --compile=af && cd ..
Failed to read voice 'af'
Makefile:2670: recipe for target 'espeak-data/af_dict' failed
make[1]: *** [espeak-data/af_dict] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vrenpces/Downloads/espeak-ng-espeakedit'
Makefile:601: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
$ ls espeak-data
af_dict  az_dict   ca_dict  el_dict  eu_dict  gd_dict   hi_dict  ia_dict      ja_dict   ko_dict   lang       mi_dict  mt_dict   no_dict   phondata           pt_dict   si_dict  sv_dict  tr_dict  zh_dict
am_dict  bg_dict   cs_dict  en_dict  fa_dict  gn_dict   hr_dict  id_dict      jbo_dict  kok_dict  lfn_dict   mk_dict  my_dict   om_dict   phondata-manifest  ro_dict   sk_dict  sw_dict  tt_dict  zhy_dict
an_dict  bn_dict   cy_dict  eo_dict  fi_dict  grc_dict  ht_dict  intonations  ka_dict   ku_dict   lt_dict    ml_dict  nci_dict  or_dict   phonindex          ru_dict   sl_dict  ta_dict  ur_dict
ar_dict  bpy_dict  da_dict  es_dict  fr_dict  gu_dict   hu_dict  is_dict      kl_dict   ky_dict   lv_dict    mr_dict  ne_dict   pa_dict   phontab            sd_dict   sq_dict  te_dict  vi_dict
as_dict  bs_dict   de_dict  et_dict  ga_dict  hak_dict  hy_dict  it_dict      kn_dict   la_dict   mbrola_ph  ms_dict  nl_dict   pap_dict  pl_dict            shn_dict  sr_dict  tn_dict  voices
valdisvi commented 6 years ago

That's probably because of changed list of files for compilation. Reconfigure entire project:

./; ./configure --prefix=/usr; make -B; make check

And check what happens then.

elspru commented 6 years ago

the exact same thing happens. do you know if github supports continuous integration (CI)? if not I can fork this and add a rudimentary docker CI that should show you what happens on a fresh install.

valdisvi commented 6 years ago

Problem is, that I can't reproduce it on my computer. What happens, if you create symbolic link from your home folder to espeak-data in espeak-ng-espeakedit/espeak-data project?

cd ~
ln <your project>/espeak-data espeak-data
valdisvi commented 6 years ago

As a workaround I added compiled binary bin/espeakedit in the project 7fe8e92372e2c76d3600d06e236d4d0bd8d8b344

valdisvi commented 6 years ago

Have you solved all espeak-ng dependencies, especially have you compiled and installed pcaudiolib and sonic?

elspru commented 6 years ago

I have all the dependencies installed, also all the links made, to espeak-data from the espeak-ng-data, the binary gives me errors.

on opening: 2018-07-27-081250_1920x1080_scrot after clicking continue 2018-07-27-081310_1920x1080_scrot trying to compile dictionary: 2018-07-27-081322_1920x1080_scrot