currently we have the following structure: ...\path\folder (explanation)
...\functions\3rdParty (folder for functions we get from other people e.g. from file exchange)
...\functions\basic (basic functions we need for our )
...\functions\colormaps (colormaps, we may not need this at all unless we got custom ones?)
...\functions\flatToolbox (toolbox for flat files)
...\functions\loading (load functions and helper functions for such)
...\functions\processing (data processing functions and helper functions for such)
...\functions\visualization (data visualization functions and helper functions for such)
Note: helper functions are specific to one or a few similar functions (like a subplot of a plotting function that occurs more often) basic functions are basic operations like saving and logging
I propose:
moving all \3rdParty, \colormaps, toolboxes e.g. in a subfolder (these are not our work and not to be edited)
remove masking from processing in a new \masking folder
currently we have the following structure: ...\path\folder (explanation) ...\functions\3rdParty (folder for functions we get from other people e.g. from file exchange) ...\functions\basic (basic functions we need for our ) ...\functions\colormaps (colormaps, we may not need this at all unless we got custom ones?) ...\functions\flatToolbox (toolbox for flat files) ...\functions\loading (load functions and helper functions for such) ...\functions\processing (data processing functions and helper functions for such) ...\functions\visualization (data visualization functions and helper functions for such) Note: helper functions are specific to one or a few similar functions (like a subplot of a plotting function that occurs more often) basic functions are basic operations like saving and logging
I propose: