vanexperiences / proyecto_experiencias

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[SECURITY] OWASP SQL Injections. Experiences endpoint #117

Open davorpa opened 2 years ago

davorpa commented 2 years ago

Prepared statements should be used prior escape values. There are a high risk of SQL injection if raw values direct from request parameters/body are provided

hatashi199 commented 2 years ago

How can i solve this?? I don't have idea.

davorpa commented 2 years ago

How can i solve this?? I don't have idea.

Both mysql2 and mysql node drivers are compatible so... reading mysql driver documentation it's possible escape values using one of mysql.escape(), connection.escape() or pool.escape() utility methods. Take also a look at mysql2 docs.

Or use prepared statements same as is done in other queries. A template...

SELECT * from foo WHERE  bar LIKE concat('%', ?, '%')


About dates. Date objects are accepted directly by driver. It's posible parse from string to date using Date(). If provided string/value is not compatible, internal value is NaN.

function isValidDate(d) {
    return === "[object Date]" && !isNaN(d.getTime());

Date.prototype.isValid = function () {
  // If the date object is invalid it
  // will return 'NaN' on getTime() 
  // and NaN is never equal to itself.
  return this.getTime() === this.getTime();

let d = new Date("This is not date.");
d.isValid();                 // false
isValidDate(d);              // false
isValidDate(1);              // false
isValidDate('2021-08-07');   // false

Both aproaches are valid: with isNaN() or check getTime().

I hope it helps :hugs:

vanexperiences commented 2 years ago

Nah, give me a syntax error near ? in each filter

davorpa commented 2 years ago

Nah, give me a syntax error near ? in each filter

Use escape instead. If I have a bit time, I'll prepare a PR to fix it. The rest of endpoints implemented later are out of my scope