vanita5 / twittnuker

Android 4.0+ Twitter Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
121 stars 24 forks source link

Internet connection problems #123

Open Clouddancer opened 7 years ago

Clouddancer commented 7 years ago

For some time the app seems to have not really a connection to the internet. I try to refresh my timeline, it loads and loads and it doesn't refresh; I try to tweet, it loads and loads and the tweet won't be posted; I try to send a DM, it loads and loads and it won't be posted. When I wanna open a GIF/video or (a) picture/s, the screen stays black. My internet connection speed says that only bits per second or nothing comes through. It sometimes goes up to kilobits per seconds but then nothing loads either. It seems the problem occurs the most when I am connected to the W-LAN but it occurs too when I am on my mobile connection. It's not always but it apparently happens more and more now. I tried it with cleaning the cache of the app but the problem still stays.

Clouddancer commented 7 years ago

Strange thing is, after some time everything works normally again.

vanita5 commented 7 years ago

I can't reproduce this. Are you sure this is an issue with Twittnuker and not your internet connection?

Clouddancer commented 7 years ago

Yes, I still have that problem.