vanvalenlab / kiosk-frontend

DeepCell web application built using NodeJS, Express, React, and Webpack.
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The kiosk-frontend serves as the main interaction point for end users of the DeepCell Kiosk. The NodeJS backend API and the React frontend allows them to easily create jobs through their web browser.

This repository is part of the DeepCell Kiosk. More information about the Kiosk project is available through Read the Docs and our FAQ page.

Adding new Job Types

The job types are defined as an environment variable JOB_TYPES, which evaluates to "segmentation,tracking" by default. This can easily be extended by just adding to this string, for example, "segmentation,tracking,spot detection". These values are parsed into a list and populated into the drop-down with the route /jobtypes. Each job type value is also the exact value of the Redis queue used by the corresponding consumer (e.g. "segmentation" is both the job type and the queue used for the segmentation-consumer).

React Hierarchy

The App Component in /src folder is the first parent Component that contains all other components. The App Component is directly referenced by the index.js file inside the ./src folder. The index.js file is the entry point for Webpack (see webpack.config.js to bundle the app's data and serve it via public/index.html using a plugin called HtmlWebpackPlugin. The app also uses Babel via .babelrc, which is accessed within Webpack. is used for local development. is the webpack config file that is used for production.


The kiosk-frontend can be configured using environmental variables in a .env file.

Name Description Default Value
JOB_TYPES REQUIRED: Comma delimited list of job type names. "segmentation,tracking"
STORAGE_BUCKET REQUIRED: Cloud storage bucket address (e.g. "gs://bucket-name"). ""
PORT Port to run the NodeJS backend server. 8080
REDIS_HOST The IP address or hostname of Redis. redis-master
REDIS_PORT The port used to connect to Redis. 6379
REDIS_SENTINEL Whether Redis has Sentinel mode enabled. True
MODEL_PREFIX Prefix of model directory in the cloud storage bucket. "/models"
UPLOAD_PREFIX Prefix of upload directory in the cloud storage bucket. "/uploads"


We welcome contributions to the kiosk-console and its associated projects. If you are interested, please refer to our Developer Documentation, Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines.


This software is license under a modified Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for full details.


Copyright © 2018-2022 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), with support from the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation, the Paul Allen Family Foundation, Google, & National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant U24CA224309-01. All rights reserved.