Closed BoPeng closed 5 years ago
if !isdefined(:DataFrames)
However, the followings:
function __julia_py_repr_matrix(obj)
if !isdefined(:Feather)
if !isdefined(:DataFrames)
tf = joinpath(tempname())
p = convert(DataFrame, obj)
Feather.write(tf, p)
return "numpy.asmatrix(read_dataframe(r'" * tf * "'))"
Error would appear. Run __julia_py_repr_matrix(a)
again after the error, it works. Trying to figure out the problem here.
Not sure but that post appears to mention the use of DataFrames.DataFrame
or something of that nature.
Trying something like the followings:
function mat2df()
if !isdefined(:DataFrames)
if !isdefined(:DataFrames)
print("Pakcage wasn't loaded \n \n")
elseif isdefined(:DataFrames)
print("Pakcage was loaded \n \n")
print("Since the package is loaded, we can create a dataframe \n \n")
print(DataFrame(A = 1:4, B = 4.0:-1.0:1.0))
print("package is loaded, why can't a dataframe be defined? \n \n")
print(DataFrames.DataFrame(A = [1, 2], B = [4, 5]))
It does load the package, but it will raise an error:
manchongleong@Mande-MacBook-Pro:~$ julia testJ1.ji
Pakcage was loaded
Since the package is loaded, we can create a dataframe
package is loaded, why can't a dataframe be defined?
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching DataFrames.DataFrame(; A=[1, 2], B=[4, 5])
Closest candidates are:
DataFrames.DataFrame(; kwargs...) at /Users/manchongleong/.julia/v0.6/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:98
DataFrames.DataFrame(!Matched::Array{DataType,1}, !Matched::Array{Symbol,1}, !Matched::Array{Bool,1}, !Matched::Integer) at /Users/manchongleong/.julia/v0.6/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:132 got unsupported keyword arguments "A", "B"
DataFrames.DataFrame(!Matched::Array{D<:Associative,1}) where D<:Associative at /Users/manchongleong/.julia/v0.6/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:157 got unsupported keyword arguments "A", "B"
[1] mat2df() at /Users/manchongleong/testJ1.ji:26
[2] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:569
[3] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14
[4] process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:305
[5] _start() at ./client.jl:371
while loading /Users/manchongleong/testJ1.ji, in expression starting on line 34
Seems like the problem is the world age
. In my concepts, when the function runs, it is in the "old" age, and the package is loaded, it is in the "new" age, but when the syntax based on the package runs, it is still in the "old" age. That is just my guess after I read this discussion..
Btw, it does load the package, just fails to call it...
Still fail after adding Base.invokelatest
function mat2df()
#if !isdefined(:Feather)
# eval(Expr(:using,:Feather))
# #backend()
if !isdefined(:DataFrames)
# #backend()
#tf = joinpath(tempname())
if !isdefined(:DataFrames)
print("Pakcage wasn't loaded \n \n")
# #backend()
elseif isdefined(:DataFrames)
print("Pakcage was loaded \n \n")
print("Since the package is loaded, we can create a dataframe \n \n")
#return convert(DataFrames.DataFrame, rand(2,2))
print(Base.invokelatest(DataFrame(A = 1:4, B = 4.0:-1.0:1.0)))
print("package is loaded, why can't a dataframe be defined? \n \n")
#error(return convert(DataFrames.DataFrame, rand(2,2)))
print(DataFrames.DataFrame(A = [1, 2], B = [4, 5]))
#return convert(DataFrames.DataFrame, obj)
#Feather.Feather.write(tf, p)
#return "numpy.asmatrix(read_dataframe(r'" * tf * "'))"
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching DataFrames.DataFrame(; A=[1, 2], B=[4, 5])
Closest candidates are:
DataFrames.DataFrame(; kwargs...) at /Users/manchongleong/.julia/v0.6/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:98
DataFrames.DataFrame(!Matched::Array{DataType,1}, !Matched::Array{Symbol,1}, !Matched::Array{Bool,1}, !Matched::Integer) at /Users/manchongleong/.julia/v0.6/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:132 got unsupported keyword arguments "A", "B"
DataFrames.DataFrame(!Matched::Array{D<:Associative,1}) where D<:Associative at /Users/manchongleong/.julia/v0.6/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:157 got unsupported keyword arguments "A", "B"
[1] mat2df() at /Users/manchongleong/testJ1.ji:26
[2] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:569
[3] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14
[4] process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:305
[5] _start() at ./client.jl:371
while loading /Users/manchongleong/testJ1.ji, in expression starting on line 34
I think the method mentioned in this discussion might work.
It says that we can wrap the function and the package in a new package. For example,
module __Read_DF
export __read_DF
using DataFrames
function __read_DF(...)
return ...
using __Read_DF
I see, they haven't released the new version?
I do not understand the new proposal. Would not DataFrames
be loaded when __Read_DF
is loaded?
Seems not working, because when the module
is defined, the syntaxes inside would be executed. I thought it would be like a function
, and the syntaxes wouldn't be executed when it defines.
I just marked this ticket as help wanted. Let us ignore it and see if some Julia expert can help.
OK. I think a lot of julia users have the same problem as well. 😄
Now need to fix Python
to Julia
What python to Julia? You can close this ticket if the specific issue is resolved.
Test fails:
def testGetPythonMatrixFromJulia(self):
# Python -> Julia
with sos_kernel() as kc:
iopub = kc.iopub_channel
# create a matrix
execute(kc=kc, code='''
import numpy as np
mat_var = np.matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
execute(kc=kc, code="%use Julia")
execute(kc=kc, code="%get mat_var")
execute(kc=kc, code="size(mat_var)")
res11 = get_display_data(iopub)
self.assertEqual(res11, '(2, 2)')
execute(kc=kc, code="%use sos")
FAIL: testGetPythonMatrixFromJulia (__main__.TestJuliaKernel)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test/", line 58, in testGetPythonMatrixFromJulia
File "/Users/manchongleong/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/tests/", line 69, in execute
validate_message(reply, 'execute_reply', msg_id)
File "/Users/manchongleong/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/tests/", line 262, in validate_message
nt.assert_equal(msg['parent_header']['msg_id'], parent)
AssertionError: 'f9d9614b-fde7fb337606b970be9a776b' != 'e2d25b4d-88c7fd586a61ea1a836fd754'
- f9d9614b-fde7fb337606b970be9a776b
+ e2d25b4d-88c7fd586a61ea1a836fd754
Does it mean it takes too long to execute the codes?
Does everything works interactively? If so, you can commit and I will have a look at the test. The test does fail from time to time due to differences in environment and it can be hard to make it work correctly.
Yes, it works fine interactively. I have already pushed it. Trying to fix the test.
Still pretty slow... Especially for running the testing script test/
Loading the three perhaps rarely used modules take 4 seconds whenever the Julia kernel is started. There should be some way for us to use them wherever they are actually used.