vatri / freelancer-platform

A quickstart Java Spring project for freelance websites development.
35 stars 20 forks source link
bootstrap hibernate hibernate-orm java javaspring mysql spring spring-boot springframework thymeleaf

Java Spring Freelancer Platform (Alpha)

Open Source platform for freelance portals based on Java Spring technology.




  1. Java 8
  2. Maven
  3. MySQL server

How to install and run

1. Clone GIT repo

  1. open CMD or Linux terminal and CD to (eclipse) projects root folder
  2. git clone [THIS REPO]

2. Prepare MySQL

  1. Create MySQL database
  2. Import /freelance.sql

3. Set your config

  1. Copy /src/main/resources/ to /src/main/resources/
  2. Edit spring.datasource.* values to fit your DB server
  3. Edit freelancer.locale.default = rs_SR and change to "en_US" if you want English by default
  4. Edit freelancer.job.page_size = 5 to change how many jobs are displayed per page.

4. Run Java app

  1. CD to the cloned folder
  2. mvn clean install
  3. mvn compile
  4. mvn spring-boot:run

Note: you can also run project from Eclipse:

open project > right click on > Run As > Java Application

5. Test

  1. Open URL in your browser http://localhost:8000
  2. (optional) Login with / 123456 (client) and (freelancer)

How to translate to your language

  1. Create properties file with name "messages_[locale].properties", for example in folder /src/main/resources/
  2. Add appropriate link to top menu (?locale=ru_RU)