Removed Position Aliases (With consent of Daniel Everman, ZMP FE):
Reason and motivation
The above mentioned airports (Except KCIN) are being provisioned with control services as of AIRAC 2313, as such correct aliases are needed for controllers to show up properly on VATSpy.
There was a conflict with Curtin (YCIN) and Carrol (KCIN), which was resolved over discord with ZMP's Facility Engineer Daniel Everman. Feel free to double check with him if required.
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Description of changes
Added Position Aliases:
Removed Position Aliases (With consent of Daniel Everman, ZMP FE):
Reason and motivation
The above mentioned airports (Except KCIN) are being provisioned with control services as of AIRAC 2313, as such correct aliases are needed for controllers to show up properly on VATSpy.
There was a conflict with Curtin (YCIN) and Carrol (KCIN), which was resolved over discord with ZMP's Facility Engineer Daniel Everman. Feel free to double check with him if required.
Approved contributior?