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A Vagrant based development environment.
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Can't load images or any file from http://vccw.test I have to Type in the browser to load the page #336

Closed JinZhenlin closed 5 years ago

JinZhenlin commented 5 years ago

Operating System: OS X Vagrant Version: 2.2.0 Virtual Box Version: 5.2 screen shot 2018-11-04 at 12 46 14 pm

I previously used vccw like a year ago and since deleted everything (including vagrant and virtualbox). This time the browser has been failing to load everything from vccw.test upon the fresh install.

When I type vagrant provision as suggested, it returns the following: ==> vccw.test: Running provisioner: ansible_local... vccw.test: Running ansible-playbook...

PLAY [all] *****

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place a ~/.bash_profile] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place a ~/.bash.d/] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place a ~/.bash.d/] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Download the Composer] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run the Composer installer] ** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create a ~/.composer/] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place a composer.json] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Install Composer libraries] ** ok: [vccw.test] => (item=phpunit/phpunit:5.6) ok: [vccw.test] => (item=squizlabs/php_codesniffer:~2.0) ok: [vccw.test] => (item=wp-coding-standards/wpcs:*)

TASK [Install the WP-CLI] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create a ~/.wp-cli/] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Install WP-CLI packages] ***** changed: [vccw.test] => (item=

TASK [Setup a bash completion for the WP-CLI] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create wp-cli dir] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place a wp browse command.] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place a ~/.gemrc] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Install Wordmove] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Install Ruby gems] *** ok: [vccw.test] => (item=bundler) skipping: [vccw.test] => (item=wordmove)

TASK [Place a ~/.npmrc] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Install npm packages] ****

TASK [Check the phpcs exists.] *** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Setup the WordPress coding standard] ***** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Checkout the WordPress i18n Tools] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Remove unused files if exists] *** ok: [vccw.test] => (item=.wget-hsts)

PLAY [all] *****

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Allow remote connections to MySQL] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place ~/.my.cnf] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create SSL dir] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create SSL keys] ***** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Replacing the Apache User] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Replacing the Apache Group] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Place /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Disable keepalive] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Setup timeout] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Enable virtual host for WordPress] *** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Update php.ini] ** ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': False, 'key': u'short_open_tag'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'1024M', 'key': u'upload_max_filesize'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'neutral', 'key': u'mbstring.language'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'UTC', 'key': u'date.timezone'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_enable'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': 9000, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_port'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'UTF-8', 'key': u'default_charset'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_connect_back'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'VCCWDEBUG', 'key': u'xdebug.idekey'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_autostart'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.profiler_enable'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'UTF-8', 'key': u'mbstring.internal_encoding'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'/tmp', 'key': u'session.save_path'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'', 'key': u'xdebug.remote_host'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'1024M', 'key': u'post_max_size'})

TASK [Update php.ini for cli] ** ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': False, 'key': u'short_open_tag'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'1024M', 'key': u'upload_max_filesize'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'neutral', 'key': u'mbstring.language'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'UTC', 'key': u'date.timezone'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_enable'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': 9000, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_port'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'UTF-8', 'key': u'default_charset'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_connect_back'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'VCCWDEBUG', 'key': u'xdebug.idekey'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.remote_autostart'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': True, 'key': u'xdebug.profiler_enable'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'UTF-8', 'key': u'mbstring.internal_encoding'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'/tmp', 'key': u'session.save_path'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'', 'key': u'xdebug.remote_host'}) ok: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'1024M', 'key': u'post_max_size'})

TASK [Install mailcatcher] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Add mailcatcher to service] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Start mailcatcher] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Update php.ini for mailcatcher] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Update php.ini for mailcatcher for cli] ** ok: [vccw.test]

PLAY [all] *****

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create Database] ***** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create MySQL user] *** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Change owner of the /var/www/html/] ** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Remove index.html from document root] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp core download] ** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create temporary file for extra-php in wp-config.php] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp core config] **** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp db reset] *** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp core install] *** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create index.php for wp_siteurl] ***** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Move index.php for wp_siteurl] *** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [stat] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create .gitignore] ***** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Move .gitignore] *** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp core language install] ** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp plugin install] ***** changed: [vccw.test] => (item=logbook)

TASK [Run wp plugin install wp-multibyte-patch] ** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp theme install] ** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Install wordpress-importer] **** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Download WordPress theme unit test data] ***** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Import WordPress theme unit test data] *** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp options update] ***** changed: [vccw.test] => (item={'value': u'Hello VCCW.', 'key': u'blogdescription'})

TASK [Get the timezone] **** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Update timezone] ***** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Get the date format] ***** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Update date format] ** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp rewrite structure] ** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Flush rewrite rules] ***** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [Run wp core multisite-convert] ***** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create .htaccess for multisite] **** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Move .htaccess for multisite] ** skipping: [vccw.test]

TASK [Setting up Wordpress multisite options] **

TASK [Check wp scaffold movefile exists.] **** changed: [vccw.test]

TASK [stat] **** ok: [vccw.test]

TASK [Create a Movefile] *** ok: [vccw.test]

PLAY RECAP ***** vccw.test : ok=64 changed=20 unreachable=0 failed=0

miya0001 commented 5 years ago

Please check values of your site.yml. I guess your value of hostname is incorrect or there is an virtual machine that has same IP address or hostname.

JinZhenlin commented 5 years ago

Please check values of your site.yml. I guess your value of hostname is incorrect or there is an virtual machine that has same IP address or hostname.

Thanks a lot!