vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.
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Visualisation - ion mobility info #944

Open patrick-willems opened 4 months ago

patrick-willems commented 4 months ago


Currently the --vis option is a great tool for me for visualizing the RT and intensity for peptides of interest. Is it realistic to also extract ion mobility information next to these for timsTOF acquired data? (e.g. only for MS1 precursors)

Thanks Patrick

vdemichev commented 4 months ago

Hi Patrick,

Not currently implemented (would inflate the size of already large file). In general, would there be a benefit in this? DIA-NN does report empirical IM for each ID in the main report, which corresponds to the RT apex 'IM' of the 'best' fragment, and the extracted chromatograms for other fragments and MS1 will typically deviate from this IM value very little.

Best, Vadim