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Missing Template File TermsAndConditions.tpl Causes Fatal Error #341

Open tresero opened 4 months ago

tresero commented 4 months ago


When attempting to access or modify event settings within CiviCRM, a fatal error is triggered due to the system being unable to load a required template file for the GDPR extension. The specific file CRM/Gdpr/Form/ManageEvent/TermsAndConditions.tpl appears to be missing from the extension's directory, resulting in a SmartyException and preventing successful page loads.

Steps to Reproduce:

Navigate to the WordPress admin dashboard. Go to CiviCRM > Events > Manage Events. Select an event and attempt to access its settings. The error occurs at this point, with CiviCRM unable to proceed due to the missing template file. Expected Behavior: The expected behavior is for the event settings page to load without issues, allowing for the management of GDPR-related settings for events.

Actual Behavior:

A fatal error occurs, with the following details captured in the logs:

Fatal Error Details = array:3 [
  "message" => "Unable to load template 'file:CRM/Gdpr/Form/ManageEvent/TermsAndConditions.tpl' in 'file:CRM/Form/default.tpl'"
  "code" => null
  "exception" => SmartyException {#17487


CiviCRM Version: 5.70.0 GDPR Extension Version: 3.5 CMS: WordPress PHP Version: [Specify version]

Troubleshooting Steps Already Taken:

Verified the GDPR extension is correctly installed and up to date. Checked the file system for the presence of TermsAndConditions.tpl in the expected directory (CRM/Gdpr/Form/ManageEvent/) and confirmed it is missing. Cleared CiviCRM caches. Checked file and directory permissions to rule out access issues.

Suggested Fix:

It appears this issue may be due to the file either being accidentally omitted from the extension package or a reference to a deprecated or renamed file that hasn't been updated. A review and correction of the extension's file structure and references to TermsAndConditions.tpl would likely resolve this issue.

eileenmcnaughton commented 4 months ago

This could be a Smarty2 vs 3 issue - I see is not merged yet....

tresero commented 4 months ago

This could be a Smarty2 vs 3 issue - I see #338 is not merged yet....

I probably don't understand it totally, but there is no template at all in this extension?

eileenmcnaughton commented 4 months ago

@tresero ah....