vehikl / vehikl-growth-sessions

General weekly view of social mob activities
6 stars 3 forks source link
hacktoberfest laravel opensource php

Vehikl Growth Sessions

This application allows users to share and schedule their Growth Sessions.

To create / join a Growth Session, the user must login.

To avoid the registration step, this application uses oauth.

Docker Setup



Initial configuration

sh scripts/

Note The create script populates OAuth credentials through a secure vault. You can skip this through pressing ENTER when prompted.

Note The create script might fail to install mutagen if you don't have XCode command line tools. Run xcode-select --install to install them.


The site should be available at

Local Setup without using docker



Initial configuration

# PHP Dependencies
composer install
# Node Dependencies
pnpm i
# Setup env
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate

Configuring the database

For ease of local development you can set the database to sqlite:

diff --git a/.env b/.env
index b0303cd..d7983fd 100644
--- a/.env.example
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -6,12 +6,7 @@ APP_URL=http://localhost




Once that is set up:

touch database/database.sqlite
php artisan migrate --seed (To have some pre-made fake mobs in your calendar)

OBS: For production, no seeding is needed, therefore you only need to run

php artisan migrate

Serving the App

Run php artisan serve


Setup Github OAuth:

  1. Go to github, and open your settings page
  2. Open Developer settings
  3. Create a new OAuth App
  4. Set the homepage to http://localhost:8008
  5. Set the callback url to http://localhost:8008/oauth/github/callback
  6. Save it
  7. Copy the Client ID to ./.env#GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and Client Secret to ./.env#GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET

Setup Google OAuth:

  1. Go to your Google Developer console
  2. Select a Project to add OAuth to (or create a new project)
  3. Configure your Oauth Consent Screen
  4. Create OAuth Credentials for the project
    1. Select Web Application as the Application Type
    2. Give your application a Name
    3. Add http://localhost:8008/oauth/google/callback as a Redirect URI
    4. Click Create
  5. Copy the Client ID to ./.env#GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and Client Secret to ./.env#GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET
  6. Set ./.env#GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL to http://localhost:8008/oauth/google/callback

For more information, see: