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Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:443 with PostgreSQL and Next.js locally? #701

Open lancejpollard opened 1 year ago

lancejpollard commented 1 year ago

I have this defined in .env locally:


I then have this kysely config (where DB is from codgen-kysely):

import 'dotenv/config'
import { createKysely } from '@vercel/postgres-kysely'
import { DB } from 'kysely-codegen'

export const db = createKysely<DB>()
export { sql } from 'kysely'

I then have a seed file at seeds/start.ts:

yarn ts-node -P tsconfig.cli.json seeds/start
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */
import { db } from '../configurations/kysely'


async function seed() {

What I am getting though is:

$ yarn ts-node -P tsconfig.cli.json seeds/start
$ ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node -P tsconfig.cli.json seeds/start
The database host is 'localhost', which is the default host when none is set. If that's intentional, please ignore this warning. If not, perhaps an environment variable has not been set, or has not been passed to the library?
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:443
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1487:16) {
  errno: -61,
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '::1',
  port: 443
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Why is it trying to connect to port 443 when I specified 5432 in the .env? Do I need to open up port 443 locally? That seems weird. How do I get around this locally?

I was able to run the kysely migrations fine, but not the seeds now, using the @vercel/postgres-kysely package.

Tchoupinax commented 1 year ago

Hello, I meet exactly the same issue. According my investigation, it comes with localhost because if I put a Vercel postgres URL in the env variable, it works without any issue. For the moment I do not know how to solve it..

lancejpollard commented 1 year ago

I guess you aren't meant to use this locally, you are meant to use the production database?

arxpoetica commented 1 year ago

I've been running into this. Vercel might need to document what to do for a local setup. I've been reading this:

If you scroll down to the bottom it talks about how to set things up locally under the section "Please do try this at home." But I've been wrestling with the setup long enough. Most of that documentation focuses on @neondatabase/serverless and not Vercel's integration which is very specific.

Setup w/ a local db is a common enough use case, that I think it'd be wise to lay this on Vercel's shoulders to document better or provide an easy way to do it.

FWIW, I can't move forward w/ this @vercel/postgres because I need to work locally, so just using postgres until I can figure out how to get it working.

lancejpollard commented 1 year ago

@arxpoetica yeah I'm in the same boat, I am just trying to have two databases in 2 separate vercel projects, one a playground and one production. Maybe you can have 2 postgres's in one vercel project, not sure yet. I then have to have a ENV flag to tell dotenv to load the .env.local (playground) instead of .env (production), but it's hard to remember for such a straightforward thing, and then on top of that the migrations are being manually run through kysely currently, which is a tad low-level for my taste. But it's working.

Hoping for a better local workflow for sure.

Tyrrrz commented 1 year ago

Having the same issue, @vercel/postgres completely ignores my localhost connection URI. I installed pg instead, and it works just fine.

Related issue:

jamezening commented 1 year ago

I've been running into this. Vercel might need to document what to do for a local setup. I've been reading this:

If you scroll down to the bottom it talks about how to set things up locally under the section "Please do try this at home." But I've been wrestling with the setup long enough. Most of that documentation focuses on @neondatabase/serverless and not Vercel's integration which is very specific.

Setup w/ a local db is a common enough use case, that I think it'd be wise to lay this on Vercel's shoulders to document better or provide an easy way to do it.

FWIW, I can't move forward w/ this @vercel/postgres because I need to work locally, so just using postgres until I can figure out how to get it working.

I am not in the same situation, and my specific use case might not be within the scope of this gh repo (vercel/examples) but sharing as I ran into a similar error @arxpoetica did:

The database host is 'localhost', which is the default host when none is set. If that's intentional, please ignore this warning. If not, perhaps an environment variable has not been set, or has not been passed to the library?
- error uncaughtException: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) {
  digest: undefined

My setup is with Drizzle, Neon, and Vercel Edge.

I took a hint from the error message stating that the database host is not being set, and also referenced this Neon article outlining the connection details.


The initial setup code for the Drizzle, Neon, and Vercel Edge setup was:

import { Pool } from "@neondatabase/serverless";
import type { NextRequest, NextFetchEvent } from "next/server";

export const config = { runtime: "edge" };

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-anonymous-default-export
export default async (req: NextRequest, event: NextFetchEvent) => {
  const pool = new Pool({
    connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,

(where {DATABASE_URL} is the url Neon gives you in the dashboard)

so I just added additional details, including host, password, database, and user (fill in your values below) to the Pool setup as follows:

const pool = new Pool({
    connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
    host: {host},
    password: {password},
    database: {database},
    user: {user},

and I was able to connect from localhost.

I am still organizing how I was able to connect in my head, and I hope this might help solve some of the issues mentioned above.

jamezening commented 1 year ago

I also tried Getting Started with Vercel Postgres


so I think configuring your local env with the value above will help you successfully connect from localhost.

codecab commented 11 months ago

I'm also facing this issue. Please provide an example of how to switch to a locally installed database when using this package.

paulmwatson commented 11 months ago

Same, am trying to setup a docker compose local dev setup with vercel/postgres but keep getting the VercelPostgresError - 'invalid_connection_string': This connection string is meant to be used with a direct connection. Make sure to use a pooled connection string error.

verheyenkoen commented 10 months ago

I got this working for Drizzle using a docker-compose setup and a tiny bit of extra config code described here:

My db.ts file:

import { Pool, neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless'
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/neon-serverless'

import * as schemas from './schema'

if (!process.env.VERCEL_ENV) {
  // Set the WebSocket proxy to work with the local instance
  neonConfig.wsProxy = (host) => `${host}:5433/v1`

  // Disable all authentication and encryption
  neonConfig.useSecureWebSocket = false
  neonConfig.pipelineTLS = false
  neonConfig.pipelineConnect = false

const pool = new Pool({
  connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,

export const db = drizzle(pool, {
  schema: { ...schemas },
  logger: true,

So both postgres and the web socket proxy are running in a local container. It should also be possible to just have the web socket proxy in a docker container (or even both on your host machine) but I didn't try that.

So many thanks @Schniz for that article!

Guito commented 10 months ago

I tried to do what is said in the tutorial. The database is working correctly, however, when I try to use it in my nuxt 3 application I get the error [uncaughtException] TypeError: g.getRandomValues is not a function

I'm using node 18.14.2

NeuroWhAI commented 5 months ago

While I was following the Next.js dashboard-app tutorial, I had a similar problem connecting DB locally, so I came here while searching. After doing this and that, I found a solution and want to share it for the other people like me. I connected to DB using pg library instead @vercel/postgres library and made sql template literal work using code snippet of sql-pg library.

Here is a modified seed.js file snippet.

async function main() {
  const client = new Client({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 5432,
    database: 'db name',
    user: 'db user',
    password: 'user pwd',
  await client.connect();

  const values = (values, { columns = Object.keys(values) } = {}) => {
    if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
      values = => values[column]);
    return valuePosition => ({
      text: Array.apply(null, { length: values.length }).map(() => '$' + (++valuePosition)).join(', '),
  client.sql = (textFragments, ...valueFragments) => {
    const query = {
      text: textFragments[0],
      values: []
    valueFragments.forEach((valueFragment, i) => {
      if (typeof valueFragment !== 'function') {
        valueFragment = values([valueFragment]);
      valueFragment = valueFragment(query.values.length);
      query.text += valueFragment.text + textFragments[i + 1];
      query.values = query.values.concat(valueFragment.values);
    return client.query(query.text, query.values);

  await seedUsers(client);
  await seedCustomers(client);
  await seedInvoices(client);
  await seedRevenue(client);

  await client.end();

Don't forget to require Client from pg.

aleksandr-vin commented 5 months ago

From my experience, chapter 6 was the most time consuming, like 10:2 comparing to other chapters of the course. I think it would benefit from adding a small hint there about how to do local pg connection. I have no doubts that a real portion of users do go with local db setup in the course.

Tobbe commented 5 months ago

@NeuroWhAI Thank you so much for sharing that snippet! Only thing I changed was the connection parameters for creating the client to look like this:

const client = new Client({ connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL });
gnomefin commented 5 months ago

Just to give my complete snippets that is worked like a charm, thanks @NeuroWhAI and @Tobbe for the reference! 🚀

Since I want to use my .env, then I need to install dotenv as well:

npm install pg
npm install dotenv

And this is my complete seed.js:

// const { db } = require('@vercel/postgres'); // I tried to comment this
const { Client } = require('pg');
const {
} = require('../app/lib/placeholder-data.js');
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

async function seedUsers(client) {
  try {
    await client.sql`CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"`;
    // Create the "users" table if it doesn't exist
    const createTable = await client.sql`
        id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        email TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        password TEXT NOT NULL

    console.log(`Created "users" table`);

    // Insert data into the "users" table
    const insertedUsers = await Promise.all( (user) => {
        const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, 10);
        return client.sql`
        INSERT INTO users (id, name, email, password)
        VALUES (${}, ${}, ${}, ${hashedPassword})

    console.log(`Seeded ${insertedUsers.length} users`);

    return {
      users: insertedUsers,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error seeding users:', error);
    throw error;

async function seedInvoices(client) {
  try {
    await client.sql`CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"`;

    // Create the "invoices" table if it doesn't exist
    const createTable = await client.sql`
    id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY,
    customer_id UUID NOT NULL,
    amount INT NOT NULL,
    status VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    date DATE NOT NULL

    console.log(`Created "invoices" table`);

    // Insert data into the "invoices" table
    const insertedInvoices = await Promise.all(
        (invoice) => client.sql`
        INSERT INTO invoices (customer_id, amount, status, date)
        VALUES (${invoice.customer_id}, ${invoice.amount}, ${invoice.status}, ${})

    console.log(`Seeded ${insertedInvoices.length} invoices`);

    return {
      invoices: insertedInvoices,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error seeding invoices:', error);
    throw error;

async function seedCustomers(client) {
  try {
    await client.sql`CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"`;

    // Create the "customers" table if it doesn't exist
    const createTable = await client.sql`
      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers (
        id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        image_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    console.log(`Created "customers" table`);

    // Insert data into the "customers" table
    const insertedCustomers = await Promise.all(
        (customer) => client.sql`
        INSERT INTO customers (id, name, email, image_url)
        VALUES (${}, ${}, ${}, ${customer.image_url})

    console.log(`Seeded ${insertedCustomers.length} customers`);

    return {
      customers: insertedCustomers,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error seeding customers:', error);
    throw error;

async function seedRevenue(client) {
  try {
    // Create the "revenue" table if it doesn't exist
    const createTable = await client.sql`
        month VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        revenue INT NOT NULL

    console.log(`Created "revenue" table`);

    // Insert data into the "revenue" table
    const insertedRevenue = await Promise.all(
        (rev) => client.sql`
        INSERT INTO revenue (month, revenue)
        VALUES (${rev.month}, ${rev.revenue})
        ON CONFLICT (month) DO NOTHING;

    console.log(`Seeded ${insertedRevenue.length} revenue`);

    return {
      revenue: insertedRevenue,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error seeding revenue:', error);
    throw error;

async function main() {
  const client = new Client({
    connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
    user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER,
    host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST,
    database: process.env.POSTGRES_DATABASE,
    password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
    port: 5432,
  await client.connect();

  const values = (values, { columns = Object.keys(values) } = {}) => {
    if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
      values = => values[column]);
    return valuePosition => ({
      text: Array.apply(null, { length: values.length }).map(() => '$' + (++valuePosition)).join(', '),
  client.sql = (textFragments, ...valueFragments) => {
    const query = {
      text: textFragments[0],
      values: []
    valueFragments.forEach((valueFragment, i) => {
      if (typeof valueFragment !== 'function') {
        valueFragment = values([valueFragment]);
      valueFragment = valueFragment(query.values.length);
      query.text += valueFragment.text + textFragments[i + 1];
      query.values = query.values.concat(valueFragment.values);
    return client.query(query.text, query.values);

  await seedUsers(client);
  await seedCustomers(client);
  await seedInvoices(client);
  await seedRevenue(client);

  await client.end();

main().catch((err) => {
    'An error occurred while attempting to seed the database:',

My local .env (just do it for example for other folks):

# Copy from .env.local on the Vercel dashboard

# `openssl rand -base64 32`
i-naeem commented 4 months ago

What changes we would have to make to the data.ts file?

@gnomefin @NeuroWhAI I copied your snippet and wanted would the data.ts files work without any changes?

NeuroWhAI commented 4 months ago

@i-naeem in case of data.ts file, put the below snippet on top of the file. Well, It's not a good code, but it will work well in the tutorial.

import { Client } from 'pg';

const client = new Client({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 5432,
  database: 'db name',
  user: 'db user',
  password: 'user pwd',

type SqlResult<T> = { rows: T[] };
export async function sql<T = any>(textFragments: any, ...valueFragments: any[]): Promise<SqlResult<T>> {
  const values = (values: any, { columns = Object.keys(values) } = {}) => {
    if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
      values = => values[column]);
    return (valuePosition: any) => ({
      text: Array.apply(null, { length: values.length } as any).map(() => '$' + (++valuePosition)).join(', '),
  const query = {
    text: textFragments[0],
    values: []
  valueFragments.forEach((valueFragment, i) => {
    if (typeof valueFragment !== 'function') {
      valueFragment = values([valueFragment]);
    valueFragment = valueFragment(query.values.length);
    query.text += valueFragment.text + textFragments[i + 1];
    query.values = query.values.concat(valueFragment.values);
  return client.query(query.text, query.values) as any;

You can also import this sql function and use in the same way as tutorial.

import { sql } from '@/app/lib/data';
await sql`DELETE FROM invoices WHERE id = ${id}`;
Tobbe commented 4 months ago

I copied the code from here: And then I combined it with the example from here:

And that gave me a data.ts file that looks like the code below. I could successfully use this to complete the tutorial against my own local DB.

import { Pool, QueryResultRow } from 'pg';

const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL });

type Primitive = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;

function sqlTemplate(
  strings: TemplateStringsArray,
  ...values: Primitive[]
): [string, Primitive[]] {
  if (!isTemplateStringsArray(strings) || !Array.isArray(values)) {
    throw new Error(
      'It looks like you tried to call `sql` as a function. Make sure to use it as a tagged template.\n' +
        "\tExample: sql`SELECT * FROM users`, not sql('SELECT * FROM users')",

  let result = strings[0] ?? '';

  for (let i = 1; i < strings.length; i++) {
    result += `$${i}${strings[i] ?? ''}`;

  return [result, values];

function isTemplateStringsArray(
  strings: unknown,
): strings is TemplateStringsArray {
  return (
    Array.isArray(strings) && 'raw' in strings && Array.isArray(strings.raw)

export async function sql<O extends QueryResultRow>(
  strings: TemplateStringsArray,
  ...values: Primitive[]
) {
  const [query, params] = sqlTemplate(strings, ...values);

  return pool.query<O>(query, params);

And that last exported function can now be used as a taged template literal function, just like the tutorial is using sql from the Vercel Postgres package.

// ./auth.ts
import { sql } from '@/app/lib/data';

async function getUser(email: string): Promise<User | undefined> {
  try {
    const user = await sql<User>`SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=${email}`;
    return user.rows[0];
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed to fetch user:', error);
    throw new Error('Failed to fetch user.');
Shtekata commented 3 months ago

Thanks Tobbe! This is workaround for now to work as expected with 'sql' and use storage pool. May be one day Vercel will fix 'node_modules' and there won't be such a problem anymore! :)