React Native Booster Kit
The objective of this repo is to have a starting base for React Native projects.
How to Use
This hasn't been figured out yet...
- [ ] Account Creation
- [ ] Login
- [ ] Logout
Important Things / Issues / Roadmap
- START WITH IOS, Android later
- Sane Routing and Logged In / Logged Out redirect handling
- Some standards around basic navigation
- slide in burger menu
- tab bar
- we should be able to use either, both or neither
- potential preferred 3rd party options
- Default form components and some awesome redux stuff: redux forms similar
capabilities for example
- Redux, Thunk, all that
- Automated Component Generation
- Automated Redux Actions / Store Generations
- HTTP interaction standards, how we interact with rest API's
- Standards around local storage and token storage
- Do we generate the projects, or do we just copy it and use it as a blank
- cocoapods and rnpm setup
- bad ass readme