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Champion Spawns and Reward Tickets #9

Open shroeder opened 11 years ago

shroeder commented 11 years ago

Right now it looks like Champion Spawns generate "Power Scrolls". We need create Reward Tickets instead. There should be two tiers of reward Ticket. A Reward Ticket and a Champion Reward Ticket. Once we look into the code we should be able to alter just the names and effects. Perhaps right now just change the name and leave the effect null until we set up a Reward vendor in town with a reward scheme. My idea is to make each deed cummulative so that players will aim to collect many of these. For example 25 50 and 100 Reward Tickets would reward different things such as a 10 time use black dye tub. The same for Champion Spawn deeds but since they would be extremely rare the amount at which you trade these in will Require less. The Rewards for the Champion Reward Ticket would be better than the regular Reward Tickets. My aim is to keep all blessed items out of this game except a very very few. For example I stated previously blessed runebooks can be created with a 110 scribe who possess a jewel. This being said I would like to rewards from these events to be blessed and the tickets themselves to also be unblessed. My hope is to create an alternate currency that rivals sojs in Diablo II.

trojanekga commented 11 years ago

Tickets were a lot more rare on spawns than 25/50/100. If you could make it through a whole spawn, which took quite a bit of time and skill and other players, you could get maybe 4-5 tickets I believe. These tickets had a rare chance, as you said, to give out much of anything good. I would argue that reward tickets SHOULD be blessed, as they were in CG, but the prizes themselves, definitely not blessed. I believe the champ spawn system they had with tickets and all was one of the top things that made the shard, so we shouldn't shy from it too much. Just my oppinion.

shroeder commented 11 years ago

You are in charge