vfat-io / vfat-tools

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Suggestions for Farms to be in VFAT #2065

Open ICanDigIt4 opened 2 years ago

ICanDigIt4 commented 2 years ago

Suggestion for farms/staking pools to be added to VFAT.


FTM Summit Defi -https://app.summitdefi.com/ Contract: 0x8F9bCCB6Dd999148Da1808aC290F2274b13D7994

Thank you

jtradecrypto commented 1 year ago

Please could you kindly add the new farm USDibs-WLRS LP in Frozen Walrus.

https://vfat.tools/avax/frozenwalrus/ Contract: 0x26E6E2CbE80A7408573BE67578ee5c10F2984f99

I hope this is the right contract address, sorry I am kind of new to this.