vfonov / mincANTS

Mincified version of PICSL ANTS from http://advants.svn.sourceforge.net/
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Release 1.9.1 --- mincANTS Based on Release 1.9.1 of ANTS from http://www.picsl.upenn.edu/ANTS/ see below for description. The input and output files can be now in minc1 and minc2 format, output transformation will be stored in minc xfm file if the file extension is .xfm

Release 1.9.1 --- svn release 601

Homepage: http://www.picsl.upenn.edu/ANTS/

Introduction -- ANTS is a tool for computational neuroanatomy based on medical images. ANTS reads any image type that can be read by ITK (www.itk.org), that is, jpg, tiff, hdr, nii, nii.gz, mha/d and more image types as well. For the most part, ANTS will output float images which you can convert to other types with the ANTS ConvertImagePixelType tool. ImageMath has a bunch of basic utilities such as multiplication, inversion and many more advanced tools such as computation of the Lipschitz norm of a deformation field. ANTS programs may be called from the command line on almost any platform .... you can compile the code yourself or use the precompiled binaries for Windows (Vista), OSX (Darwin) or linux (32 bit or 64 bit). Download the binaries that are correct for you. If you are a naive user (not from a medical imaging background) then you might still find the tools here useful. Many of the operations available, for instance, in PhotoShop are available in ANTS and many more are available as well. For instance, ANTS tools may be useful in face mapping / morphing and also in generating animations from two different images, for instance, interpolating between frames in a movie. But, mainly, ANTS is useful for brain mapping, segmentation, measuring cortical thickness and in generating automated or semi-automated labeling of three-dimensional imagery (e.g. labeling hippocampus or cortical regions or lobes of the lung). Many prior-based segmentation possibilities are available in the Atropos tool, including three tissue segmentation, structure-specific segmentation and brain extracton.

The ants.pdf file has more details and examples.

New Stuff 1.9.1 :

Atropos refactored , vtk dependencies allowed , additional tools for surface-based mapping (not much tested), augmented warping for vtk files

Must compile ITK with USE_REVIEW_STATISTICS ON if you want Atropos functionality Should compile ITK with USE_REVIEW ON Should compile ITK with USE_OPTIMIZED_REGISTRATION ON Should have ITK v 3.20 or greater.

New Stuff 1.9 :

Atropos revisions + various utilities.

New Stuff 1.8 :

Sped up CC metric -- comparable to PR but faster.

Fixed the MI metric -- fast and functional.

WarpTimeSeries --- for deforming 4D or vector images.

New Stuff 1.7 :

Now using SymmetricSecondOrderPixelType -- fixes some DT bugs with Nifti I/O etc.

This means our nii tensors have SYMMATRIX as intent (as with standard)

Update in parameters for convergence and inversion -- aids performance.

TensorToVector coloring --- also preliminary integration of vector field

Speed up number one for the CC metric (number two coming later).

Atropos ! new tool for segmentation.

Nick's N4 bias correction tool (publication on the way).

Updates to buildtemplateparallel that allow parallel use on multicore machines.

Various utilities and a few improvements in usage.

New Stuff 1.6 :

Check DT tensor ordering in DTI Read/Write

HistogramMatching in ImageMath

ConvertImagePixelType utility

Affine averaging in buildtemplateparallel

Updated time-dependent diffeomorphic mapping (option --geodesic 1 / 2 ).

Updated with a greedy exponential mapping diffeomorphic approach akin to DiffeomorphicDemons.

Bug fix in checking ANTS convergence.

Other miscellaneous including minor Apocrita changes and allowing spaces in command line interface.

directory guide:

Documentation -- pdf / tex describing ANTS Examples -- the executable programs and test data in Examples/Data Scripts -- user-friendly scripts for template building and running studies Utilities --- basic utilities ImageRegistration -- base code for ImageRegistration
Temporary -- where temporary code lives Tensor -- base code for diffusion tensor operations

Use cmake (cmake.org) to set up compilation.
To build ANTS, do the following:

  1. get ANTS

svn checkout https://advants.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/advants ANTS

  1. get itk :

    cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.itk.org:/cvsroot/Insight co Insight

  2. compile itk and ANTS -- link ANTS to itk build directory

    ccmake ANTS/Examples/

  3. call ctest in the compile directory and verify that the tests pass

  4. in general, to perform a mapping :

include the mask, if desired. mask is inclusive.

ANTS 3 -m PR[tp22_s1.nii,template.nii.gz,1,4] -i 50x20x10 -o tp22map -t SyN[0.25] -x mask.nii.gz -r Gauss[3,0]

The ANTS executable reflects the variational optimization problem

which balances regularization of the transformation model's parameters

and the quality of matchins as driven by a similarity (or data) term


explanation : -m PR -- the similarity metric => PR[fixed.nii,moving,nii,weight,metric-radius]

: -i 50x20 -- the number of iterations and number of resolution levels

: -o tp22map -- the output naming convention (can add an extension)

: -t SyN/Elast/Exp/Syn[time] --- transformation model

: -r Gauss/Bspline -- the regularization models


: -x mask -- an inclusive mask -- dictates what information to use in registration

-- defined in the fixed domain but works on both domains

: -m other metrics : PSE MSQ MI etc -- some are label-image (or point-set) metrics

and some are intensity metrics


Call ANTS with no params to get detailed help


warp the tp22 to template image

WarpImageMultiTransform 3 tp22_s1.nii tp22totemplate.nii -R template.nii.gz -i tp22mapAffine.txt tp22mapInverseWarp.nii

warp the template image to tp22 -- note reversal of order from above

WarpImageMultiTransform 3 template.nii.gz templatetotp22.nii -R tp22_s1.nii tp22mapWarp.nii tp22mapAffine.txt

or call ants.sh for a standard approach.


use CreateJacobianDeterminantImage to get log-Jacobian (volumetric change) images

and programs StudentsTestOnImages or GLM to peform a statistical study

one might also use SurfaceCurvature to do a curvature study

or LaplacianThickness to do a thickness study
