vgstation-coders / vgstation13

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The In-Hand Crusade of Anno MMXXIII #34717

Open BomberBro opened 1 year ago

BomberBro commented 1 year ago

Description of issue

We have a lot of sprites that don't have in-hand icons. I'm of the opinion that every single item should have some sort of in-hand, both for gameplay purposes (Sometimes very, very strong weapons lack an inhand so if you aren't mashing inspect on every person you can get iced instantly without any way to tell, an example being the chem sprayer) and just general ease of knowing what's going on in the game. It's also good for roleplay for some items but that's really up to the RPheads to decide.

I have previously done a PR like this 3 years ago (fuck) in #26437 but that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what's missing. If you know an item that doesn't have an in-hand, and it's something that you can reasonably get (so nothing that you'd only see once in a blue moon anyway ie spessmart exclusive clothing or most adminbus items) then let me know and I'll make an in-hand for it, simple as that. I don't even care if it's something as simple as the radiation patch. If there's a desire to see an in-hand for it, let me know and I'll make it.

I will also make in-hands for items the current in-hand does not properly reflect (bluespace beakers, most command jumpsuits) if wanted, or even rare items that are sufficiently important. This PR is mainly to gauge interest of what items to look at first and what are most important to people, in the end I'd ideally like every item to have one but realistically what people want should be done first in case that doesn't happen.


SonixApache commented 1 year ago

there's a unit test for this

djkramer123 commented 1 year ago

Not a terribly high priority item, but the alden saraposa scanner still uses the lamp in hand I'm pretty sure

gurfan commented 1 year ago

The plasma cutter uses the revolver inhand, and I don't like having a panic attack every time a miner looks at me.

Eneocho commented 1 year ago

The fruits/veggies in general, but mainly the sunflower/nettle and the mutations could use an inhand, cause a maxed nettle or sunflower can pretty much one or twohit someone, so being able to see that would be nice. Also a head icon for wearing the nova as a hairpin would be nice, you can already do that but there's no icon for it.

gurfan commented 1 year ago

I wish most of the bar drinks had a custom inhand or at least used the base drinking glass inhand. Almost all of them are invisible.

RealestEstate commented 1 year ago

@SonixApache what's a unit test?

Hinaichigo commented 1 year ago

Medical messenger bag inhand is a grey backpack.

Hinaichigo commented 1 year ago

icon_state is the icon for the item on the ground or in the inventory, it's the icon_state corresponding to the dmi specified in icon

item_state is the inhand sprite that gets overlayed onto the sprite of the person holding it. it refers to to an icon_state in a dmi with a variable file path that's constructed dynamically depending on which creature is wearing/holding it, in which hand, if they're fat, etc. typically something like icons/mob/in-hand/left/