vhaudiquet / BladePlayer

Android music player that plays from multiple sources
Apache License 2.0
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spotify no longer works #37

Open primski opened 1 month ago

primski commented 1 month ago

I get Authentication Error ( could not log in )

logs show BadCredentials even though it's correct anyone else?

vhaudiquet commented 1 month ago

Recently I also got the same issue. I will try to update the spotify libraries and everything to see if it solves the issue

primski commented 2 weeks ago

is it gone? they closed the loophole? :(

vhaudiquet commented 2 weeks ago

Don't worry, Spotify playback will still work :)

The issue is that I need to update the libraries I use to connect to Spotify. However, librespot-java, the main Spotify library that I use, is no longer being developed.

Because of this, I will have to change Spotify library. I'm considering multiple options, from the original librespot, to the embedded spotify client cspot, that I tried to compile and use on Android.

I'm not sure which way I'm going for now, but I'm not going to integrate a new Spotify client into this old Blade 2.x architecture. I'm creating an entirely new version of BladePlayer, 3.0, which will have new features, including a fully modular source "plugin" design, which should allow to try multiple Spotify client libraries all at once.

It will also bring Material3 to BladePlayer, and many other improvements. However, this will take time, as I'm just getting started. Sorry, but in the mean time, I think you will have to wait :( as I don't really know how I could update this version

primski commented 2 weeks ago

oh wow amazing, thank you for your continued work. take your time, no worries, these things are complex and take time i know that.

unfortunately i am not too good with java or android development so can't really contribute anything useful :(