viasite-ansible / ansible-role-zsh

Setup antigen with oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k theme, fzf, autosuggestions, syntax-highlighting
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use ansible_os_family instead of hardcoded linux #17

Closed NickVolynkin closed 6 years ago

popstas commented 7 years ago

Agreed, hardcoded 'linux' is bad, but you should use ansible_system instead of ansible_os_family.

I don't provision macOS systems as frequently as linux, but I think that using brew install fzf is more reliable way.

NickVolynkin commented 7 years ago

@popstas looks like a good case for include {{ ansible_system }}.yml.

popstas commented 7 years ago

Why we should using file? Just one system dependent variable at this time and one task in future (brew install). I think that now is better to implement it with when.