Closed nikolaysm closed 3 years ago
Maybe we can use something like the code below:
**{% part field group_columns asvar 'group_columns' %}12{% endpart %}** {% part field control %} <div class="row"> {% for group, items in bound_field|select_options %} **{% if group %}<div class="col l{{ group_columns }}"><h5>{{ group }}</h5>{% endif %}** {% for col_span, choices in items|split_choices_by_columns:columns %}<div class="col l{{ col_span }}"> {% for choice, value, selected, position in choices %} <div class="checkbox" id="id_{{ wizard.form.connectors.html_name }}"><label> <input{% attrs bound_field 'widget' default field.widget.attrs %} id="id_{{ bound_field.html_name }}_{{ position }}" name="{{ bound_field.html_name }}" type="checkbox" {% if bound_field.errors %}class="invalid"{% endif %} value="{{ value|unlocalize }}" {% if field.disabled %}disabled{% endif %} {% if selected %}checked{% endif %} {% endattrs %}/> <span for="id_{{ bound_field.html_name }}_{{ position }}">{{ choice }}</span> </label></div> {% endfor %} </div>{% endfor %} **{% if group %}</div>{% endif %}** {% endfor %} </div> {% endpart %}
Thank you!
Maybe we can use something like the code below: