vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
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Possible to add vifm to jumplist in neovim? #92

Open newgear0727 opened 6 months ago

newgear0727 commented 6 months ago

One thing about using dirvish I liked was that it was tracked in your jumplist, i.e, you could be editing some file deep in the tree, run :e to "edit" the pwd of said file to drop in the file browser, navigate to where you want, and open up some more files in the process and you would be able to <C-o>, <C-i> between each of those buffers including the file browser.

I notice in at least neovim that Vifm isn't recorded in your jump buffer and I was wondering if this is something that could be supported? Ideally the jump buffer would remember the last location and state of Vifm including if the user navigated out of the directory?

xaizek commented 6 months ago

I think neither Vim nor NeoVim provides ability to manipulate jumplist. Without it one would have to map <c-i>/<c-o> to some functions which open Vifm in a buffer upon reaching some position in the jumplist, the problem is this operation will change the jumplist likely messing everything up in the process. So I'm not sure that it's doable.