viktorlarsson / vue-tiny-slider

Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes created by ganlanyuan in Vue.
MIT License
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Does not work with NuxtJS SSR #15

Closed carcinocron closed 5 years ago

carcinocron commented 6 years ago

I'm not saying NuxtJS should literally be able to render SSR for this component, just that it shouldn't crash when looking for browser specific globals when wrapped in <no-ssr></no-ssr> tags.

viktorlarsson commented 6 years ago

I haven't even seen NuxtJS, could you investigate what I need to do or perhaps do a pull request?

nafSadh commented 5 years ago

I have been having trouble using it with NuxtJS. I'm not even trying to do SSR, just client side. But, never made it work! @InstanceOfMichael can you share some insight?

carcinocron commented 5 years ago

@nafSadh it's been a long time, can you share your specific error message?

nafSadh commented 5 years ago

@InstanceOfMichael it ranged from tns unresolved do window error in various setup. In the end, I copied the entire within a no-ssr plugin, like this:

Still had trouble when tried to mix it with nuxt generate, the slider becomes static to (so no sliding, no animation etc.). This happened because, the nuxt generate created multiple entries for each image. However, this works fine as client rendered SPA.

Eventually, now, I am just using this hack:

My final impression is that, I'd adopt pure Vue instead of nuxt.

viktorlarsson commented 5 years ago

Closing this due to inactivity.

ilbonte commented 5 years ago

After a few hours I managed to get it working:


  1. yarn add vue-tiny-slider
  2. in nuxt.config.js add
    plugins: [{ src: '~/plugins/vue-tiny-slider.js', ssr: false }],
    build: { vendor: ['vue-tiny-slider']}
  3. create the file plugins/vue-tiny-slider.js with this content
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import vTinySlider from 'vue-tiny-slider'
    const VueTinySlider = {
    install(Vue, options) {
    Vue.component('vue-tiny-slider', vTinySlider)
    export default VueTinySlider

Now you should be able to use it in any component **without** any import, like this:
<vue-tiny-slide v-bind="tinySliderOptions">

I've setted up a demo:

If you find an easier way of doing this, let me know!

@viktorlarsson I think that you should add a guide to the Readme. A lot of people are using nuxt with ssr

viktorlarsson commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Ill get it into the readme!

aldarund commented 5 years ago

build: { vendor: ['vue-tiny-slider']}

Thats outdated setting and not used in nuxt 2.x +

viktorlarsson commented 5 years ago

@aldarund, is there an alternative?

aldarund commented 5 years ago

@viktorlarsson Basically its done automatically by nuxt and this option just do nothing

ilbonte commented 5 years ago

Yes, @aldarund is right. Tried removing it and worked

I've noticed that to work with the local dev server the tag <no-ssr> is required. I'm creating a PR right now to update the Readme. I've also updated the example

ilbonte commented 5 years ago

Fixed here:

Abolfazl2049 commented 5 months ago

dude if you having trouble using this come and use this slider (i'm using it)