vilonlab / dot-chaser

Built with Unity. An observational experiment investigating the retinotopic flow patterns generated by visual search + ground fixations during locomotion.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Built with Unity. An observational experiment investigating the retinotopic flow patterns generated by visual search + ground fixations during locomotion.

Dev Notes: 2024-08-16

Eyeball position and rotation is recorded via the EyeDataWriter.cs script by its connection to the Experiment Eye Gaze Right/Left Game Object + the ExperimentEyeGaze.cs script. ExperimentEyeGaze.cs is a customized version of the OVREyeGaze.cs script, with only one line of code changed:

Lines 87-89 of ExperimentEyeGaze.cs

// Trent Added 2024-06-06
    public event Action<Quaternion, Vector3> EyeRotationUpdated;
// end of Trent Added

Critical to recording Eye Position:

On the Experiment Eye Gaze Right/Left Game Objects, for the ExperimentEyeGaze.cs script, "World Space" needs to be selected for the Tracking Mode dropdown menu.