Closed sycholamer closed 4 years ago
I will check it, thanks for reporting the bug, can you share your docker compose?
Sure thing, included some extras. OS Version: 5.3.18-3-pve GNU/Linux / OMV5
Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe
version: "3.3"
image: vinanrra/7dtd-server:version-0.0.7
container_name: 7dtdserver
network_mode: host
- START_MODE=1 #Change between START MODES
- VERSION=stable # Change between 7 days to die versions
- PUID=${PUID} # Remember to use same as your user
- PGID=${PGID} # Remember to use same as your user
- TimeZone=${TZ}
- ${APPDIR}/7dtd/ServerFiles:/home/sdtdserver/serverfiles/ #Optional, serverfiles
- ${APPDIR}/7dtd/7DaysToDie:/home/sdtdserver/.local/share/7DaysToDie/ #Optional, maps files
- ${APPDIR}/7dtd/log:/home/sdtdserver/log/ #Optional, logs
- ${APPDIR}/7dtd/backups:/home/sdtdserver/lgsm/backup/ #Optional, backups
- ${APPDIR}/7dtd/LGSM-Config:/home/sdtdserver/lgsm/config-lgsm/sdtdserver # Optional, alerts
- 26900:26900/tcp
- 26900:26900/udp
- 26901:26901/udp
- 26902:26902/udp
- 8080:8080/tcp #OPTIONAL WEBADMIN
# - 8081:8081/tcp #OPTIONAL TELNET
# - 8082:8082/tcp #OPTIONAL WEBSERVER
restart: unless-stopped #NEVER USE WITH START_MODE=4 or START_MODE=0
ENV and space:
~# df -h $APPDIR
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
SHARE 11T 2.6T 8.1T 24% /SHARE
~# df -h /
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdd1 20G 9.1G 9.6G 49% /
@sycholamer I have push a fix, if u can test it would be awesome, because i am not able to test because i have only one drive.
@vinanrra I pulled the latest and everything installed correctly. Thank you.
Check space seems to check in / (which for me only had 10GB free) but I was installing everything to /SHARE (zfs volume with 8TB free). I ending up pulling v.0.0.7 to see if that was the issue and it installed and worked fine.