Closed kevinohashi closed 4 years ago
Can you provide your logs? And how are you trying to update your current server? or it is a new install?
PD: I will test the image with the new update to check if there is anyproblem with the new update i have just push.
So running the code in docs:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
worked, no errors. Server appears to be running, it just is on version 19 and the game updated to 19.1 on steam and it says there is a version mismatch.
Pulling 7dtdserver ... done
root@pewpewlasers /s/7dtd19# docker-compose up -d
Recreating 7dtdserver2 ... done
root@pewpewlasers /s/7dtd19#
Server side looks like:
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.327 INF PlayerLogin: anonymous/Alpha 19.1
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.327 INF Client IP:
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.327 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.327 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.328 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.329 INF [Auth] PlayerId-Steam authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.329 INF [Auth] TicketValidation authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.329 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization failed: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.330 INF Kicking player (Version mismatch): EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.578 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (RemoteConnectionClose)
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.578 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.578 INF Disconnected player not found in client list...
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.578 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.578 INF [EAC] FreeUser: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='1234567890', OwnerID='', PlayerName='anonymous'
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.579 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_1_0
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.579 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_1_0
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.579 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_1_1
2020-09-23T12:15:54 135.579 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_1_1
2020-09-23T12:15:55 135.831 ERR DisconnectClient: Player 1234567890 not found
I also set start mode to 3, forgot to mention that. Still version mismatch.
I also set start mode to 3, forgot to mention that. Still version mismatch.
Im gonna test it, installing game and starting up the server.
I have done a clean install with the new updates i have pushed to the docker image and works fine:
Image of me connected with Alpha 19.1
Share your docker compose so i can check if something is wrong.
version: '2'
image: vinanrra/7dtd-server
container_name: 7dtdserver2
- START_MODE=3 #Change between START MODES
- VERSION=stable # Change between 7 days to die versions
- PUID=1000 # Remember to use same as your user
- PGID=1000 # Remember to use same as your user
- TimeZone=America/New_York
- ./ServerFiles:/home/sdtdserver/serverfiles/ #Optional, serverfiles
- ./7DaysToDie:/home/sdtdserver/.local/share/7DaysToDie/ #Optional, maps files
- ./log:/home/sdtdserver/log/ #Optional, logs
- ./backups:/home/sdtdserver/lgsm/backup/ #Optional, backups
- ./LGSM-Config:/home/sdtdserver/lgsm/config-lgsm/sdtdserver # Optional, alerts
- 26900:26900/tcp
- 26900:26900/udp
- 26901:26901/udp
- 26902:26902/udp
#- 8080:8080/tcp # OPTIONAL LinuxGSM cPanel
- #OPTIONAL TELNET. use port forwarding or access locally.
- #OPTIONAL WEBSERVER. use port forwarding.
restart: unless-stopped #NEVER USE WITH START_MODE=4 or START_MODE=0
It is strange did you try a clean install?, Because I have done a clean install and it is working without that error.
Very strange. I just ran commands again today and server seems to be working. No noticeable difference, I literally went through command history to re-run them. Working on latest patch.
I am glad that you were able to fix your error.
Wondering when this will work with the latest update. I ran normal updates and it didn't seem to cover it. Not sure if I did something wrong, server is running, it just says server version mismatch.