vincekurtz / quadruped_drake

Using Drake to Simulate and Control Quadrupedal Robots
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"error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS" #1

Closed DanSJohnson closed 1 year ago

DanSJohnson commented 2 years ago

Hi Vince

I'm trying to use this library as the basis for my own work, but I'm having some trouble visualizing contact force vectors. They just never show up no matter what I'm doing.

In a fresh install, if i run then the mini cheetah is simulated walking forwards without issue, but the contact force vectors are absent and the terminal window which runs the drake visualizer prints the message: error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS repeatedly until the simulation ends.

The full output in the terminal running the visualizer is:

QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'

Drake Scripts:
  Specified: --use_builtin_scripts=all
  Available: --use_builtin_scripts=experimental_deformable_mesh,frame,hydroelastic_contact,image,point_cloud,point_pair_contact,time,grid_wireframe,limit_clipping_range

DeformableVisualizer set_enabled True
Deformable Mesh Visualizer subscribers added.
Hydroelastic Contact Visualizer subscriber added.
DrakeLcmImageViewer: Defer setup until 'DRAKE_RGBD_CAMERA_IMAGES' is received
Point Pair Contact Visualizer subscriber added.
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS
error decoding message on channel: CONTACT_RESULTS

I'd be grateful for any advice on what could be causing this issue.

Kind regards, Dan

vincekurtz commented 2 years ago

Hi Dan, what version of Drake (version number, install method, etc) and what OS are you running? There have been numerous changes to Drake since I last updated this code, and that could be causing some things to break.

vincekurtz commented 2 years ago

I just pushed some (minor) changes for compatibility with the the latest version of Drake (v1.0.0), but I wasn't able to reproduce the contact visualization error.

DanSJohnson commented 2 years ago

Hi Vince

Thanks for getting back to me! Apologies for not including this information in my original post.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, and my drake version is v0.26.0, which I chose because it was released around the same time as this code was last updated (21/01/2021). I believe my drake version is working as the example with the Mini Cheetah walking does run and is visualized without errors, its just the contact force vectors that are missing from the visualization.

Thanks so much for your help!