vincentchan / mickey

A minimal one-column theme for Jekyll.
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How do you generate your icons? #4

Closed tabuchid closed 9 years ago

tabuchid commented 9 years ago

I notice you have to replace logo-text-black.svg for the header text. Is there a tool you use for generating that?

vincentchan commented 9 years ago

The reason I used logo-text-black.svg, created by adobe illustrator, is because I want to use a particular font (Gotham) for the logo image. If you want to change the logo, feel free to change the classes .textLogo for image source and .textLogo--frontpage for image size.

If you want to use a pure text logo, feel free to remove text-indent: -100em; and background-image: url(../images/logo-text-black.svg); from .textLogo and remove the class .textLogo--frontpage

tabuchid commented 9 years ago

Great. Thank you! and I really like this design too. I'm am noticing another tricky thing based on baseurl but will open another task for that.

vincentchan commented 9 years ago

Glad you like it! If you have any difficulties when setting up the theme, just let me know here. Happy to help.