vincentriemer / react-native-dom

An experimental, comprehensive port of React Native to the web.
MIT License
3.25k stars 73 forks source link

project status? #102

Open piranna opened 5 years ago

piranna commented 5 years ago

What's the current status of the project? Seems there's no movement since 4 months ago...

vincentriemer commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

This project is currently on hold for a couple of reasons:

  1. I recently started a new job at Facebook and a lot of my time nowadays is ramping up there. The good news is I'm a part of the React Org so I can better inform the core projects on the lessons I learned building this project.
  2. Fabric is a thing. Since react-native-dom's core architecture was to port the RN bridge, and Fabric's primary goal is to rewrite RN's architecture to remove the bridge, for RNDOM to stay up to parity with RN a complete rewrite will be necessary as well. If I do spend any time working on RNDOM nowadays it's focused on small experimentation outside of the repo for research on how to port the Fabric architecture. Lets just say that it's going to be a far tougher challenge than porting the bridge.
  3. react-native-dom was never designed to be "practical" (dat bundle size), and I increasingly got the itch to look at aspects of RNDOM that could be extracted into lean, practical libraries/best practices into traditional react-dom apps.

I wouldn't say the project is dead, but it's definitely on hiatus, and just because there's no movement on this repo doesn't mean I've stopped thinking or working on it.

cichy commented 4 years ago

I'd say, it's is completely dead even demo is blanked.

namnm commented 4 years ago

How about ?

dancomanlive commented 4 years ago

Any news??