viniciussanchez / dataset-serialize

JSON to DataSet and DataSet to JSON converter for Delphi and Lazarus (FPC)
MIT License
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child-dataset converter dataset dataset-serialize delphi embarcadero export fpc freepascal import json json-array lazarus nested serialize tojsonobject


DataSet Serialize for Delphi and Lazarus (FPC)

Delphi Supported Versions Platforms

DataSet Serialize is a set of features to make working with JSON and DataSet simple. It has features such as exporting or importing records into a DataSet, validate if JSON has all required attributes (previously entered in the DataSet), exporting or importing the structure of DataSet fields in JSON format. In addition to managing nested JSON through master detail or using TDataSetField (you choose the way that suits you best). All this using class helpers, which makes it even simpler and easier to use.

Prerequisites for Delphi

Manual Installation for Delphi

If you choose to install manually, simply add the following folders to your project, in Project > Options > Building > Delphi Compiler > Search path


Getting Started

All features offered by DataSet Serialize are located in the class helper in unit DataSet.Serialize. To get your project started, simply add your reference where your functionality is needed. Here's an example:

uses DataSet.Serialize;

Let's now look at each feature, its rules and peculiarities, to deliver the best to all users.

DataSet to JSON

Creating a JSON object with information from a DataSet record seems like a very simple task. But that task just got easier. DataSet Serialize has two functions for this, namely ToJSONObject and ToJSONArray. Let's look at the use of the functions:

  LJSONArray: TJSONArray;
  LJSONObject: TJSONObject;  
  LJSONObject := qrySamples.ToJSONObject(); // export a single record
  LJSONArray := qrySamples.ToJSONArray(); // export all records 

What is the difference between the two functions? ToJSONObject will only convert the current DataSet record to a TJSONObject. ToJSONArray will convert to a TJSONArray all the records of the DataSet and not just the selected record.




Save and load structure

A not very useful but important feature is SaveStructure and LoadStructure. As the name already said, it is possible to save the entire structure of fields configured in the DataSet and also load a structure in JSON format. Here's an example of how to load and export DataSet fields:

  LJSONArray: TJSONArray;
  LJSONArray := qrySamples.SaveStructure;
  qrySamples.LoadStructure(LJSONArray, True);

The following properties are controlled:

Alignment, FieldName, DisplayLabel, DataType, Size, Key, Origin, Required, Visible, ReadOnly, and AutoGenerateValue;




Validate JSON

The ValidateJSON function is very useful when we want to validate on a server for example if the JSON we received in the request has all the required information. Practically, all fields in the DataSet are traversed, checking if the required fields were entered in JSON. If the field is required and has not been entered in JSON, it will be added to the JSON Array returned by the function. See the example below:

  LJSONArray := qrySamples.ValidateJSON('{"country":"Brazil"}');

Upon receiving {"country": "Brazil"}, assuming our DataSet has 3 fields (ID, FIRST_NAME, COUNTRY), and the ID and FIRST_NAME field are required, the following will be returned:

[{"field":"id","error":"Id not informed"},{"field":"firstName","error":"Name not informed"}]



Load from JSON

DataSet Serializa allows you to load a DataSet with a JSONObject, JSONArray and even a nested JSON all summarized in one method: LoadFromJSON(). Here's an example of how to use it:

  qrySamples.LoadFromJSON('{"firstName":"Vinicius Sanchez","country":"Brazil"}');



Merge from JSON

With DataSet Serialize you can still change the DataSet registration simply by using MergeFromJSONObject. The function is similar to LoadFromJSON. An example of use is for REST servers when the verb used in the request is PUT (not necessarily), in this case we do not want to include a new record but to change the current record.

  qrySamples.MergeFromJSONObject('{"firstName":"Vinicius","country":"United States"}');




You can customize some features of DataSet-Serialize:


Check out our sample project for each situation presented above in operation. If you have any questions or suggestion, please contact, make your pull request or create an issue.


💻 Code Contributors

Code Contributors


DataSet-Serialize is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT License.

:point_right: Alone we go faster. Together we go further.