Open my-name-is-nheo opened 2 years ago
I am having the same issue, anyone have any solution for this. crash is in both simulator and real device. react: 17.0.2 react-native: 0.66.4 react-native-file-viewer: 2.1.5
I'm getting the same error.
react: 16.13.1 react-native: 0.63.4 react-native-file-viewer: 2.1.5 iOS: 15.2
same problem
I think this is specific to M1 Macs. I noticed the same issue reported for a similar function in a different package:
any solution yet?
@my-name-is-nheo @swathytechversant @tdinckaya @palmsey
Hi, what @palmsey said is correct. This package isn't supporting the latest iOS version simulators on M1 Macs. But it is working fine in iOS version 13.7 simulator running on M1 Mac. I'm using iPhone 8 Plus simulator on M1 Mac and it works fine: npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 8 Plus (13.7)"
Also, I've verified the working of release version app in iPhone SE (14.1) device, iPhone 13 (15.1) device and iPhone 13 (15) browserstack (functionality worked but crashes occurred sometimes).
Specifically, I tried only this feature - await;
Hi, what @palmsey said is correct. This package isn't supporting the latest iOS version simulators on M1 Macs. But it is working fine in iOS version 13.7 simulator running on M1 Mac. I'm using iPhone 8 Plus simulator on M1 Mac and it works fine:
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 8 Plus (13.7)"
Also, I've verified the working of release version app in iPhone SE (14.1) device, iPhone 13 (15.1) device and iPhone 13 (15) browserstack (functionality worked but crashes occurred sometimes).
Specifically, I tried only this feature -
Just try and it worked on iPhone 11 simulator iOS 13.7 but it will crash on iOS 15.2
Crashes now on Simulator and iOS device. iOS 15.5
i Have same issue;
Thread 66: "*** -[_NSPlaceholderData initWithBase64EncodedString:options:]: nil string argument"
Crashes in iOS 15.4 and16.0 simulator
RN: 0.65.1 macOS montenery 12.6 ( intel i9 ) xCode 14
Maybe important a point! AND MAYBE SOLUTION -->
our backend server some time return 500 error even if we send same value and parameters. when 500 error hapen; our old code save this to storage. after saving; other codes try to read it and crashing on this point. so i recomend make sure you read a readable file and setted correct value for mimeType.
I'm seeing the same issue.
iOS simulator: iPhone 13 (iOS 15.5) react-native-filer-viewer: 2.1.5
OS: macOS 12.3.1
CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1
Memory: 110.05 MB / 16.00 GB
Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
Node: 16.17.0 - /opt/homebrew/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.19 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn
npm: 8.15.0 - /opt/homebrew/bin/npm
Watchman: 2022.09.05.00 - /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman
CocoaPods: 1.11.3 - /opt/homebrew/bin/pod
Platforms: DriverKit 21.4, iOS 15.5, macOS 12.3, tvOS 15.4, watchOS 8.5
Android SDK: Not Found
Android Studio: 2021.2 AI-212.5712.43.2112.8815526
Xcode: 13.4.1/13F100 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
Java: 11.0.11 - /usr/bin/javac
@react-native-community/cli: Not Found
react: 17.0.2 => 17.0.2
react-native: 0.66.4 => 0.66.4
react-native-macos: Not Found
*react-native*: Not Found
same problem
same problem, crash every time
arm64 Apple M1 xcode 14.0.1 RN 0.63.4 RNFileViewer 2.1.5
Same problem here!
same problem, but on intel, contrary to what they are talking about
Bug report
simulator crashes leading to this error, works fine on physical device
Reproducible sample code
RNFS.downloadFile(options) .promise.then(() =>, { onDismiss: () => RNFS.unlink(localFile) }) .then(() => console.log('File Success')) .catch(() => console.log('opening file')) ) .catch(() => displayMessage('cannot be viewed', true));
Environment info
npx react-native info
output:library version: 2.1.5
iOS version: 15.0.0