Chalice2Silver test chaliceSuite/regressions/internal-bug-10.chalice fails when Silicon is used as a verifier. Silicon fails to show that the postcondition of the method add holds:
method add(x: int)
requires valid;
ensures valid;
ensures size() == old(size())+1;
ensures (forall y:int :: contains(y)==(old(contains(y)) || x==y)); // Silicon issue 113
unfold this.valid;
if(next==null) {
var n : Node;
n := new Node;
call n.init(x);
next := n;
} else {
call next.add(x);
fold this.valid;
[info] The following output occurred during testing, but should not have according to the test annotations:
[info] [postcondition.violated:assertion.false] [postcondition.violated:assertion.false] Postcondition of Nodeadd$ might not hold. Assertion (forall y: Int :: true ==> (Nodecontains$(this$_2, y) == old(Nodecontains$(this$_2, y)) || (x == y))) might not hold. (internal-bug-10.chalice,22:14) (AnnotationBasedTestSuite.scala:59)
However, when Silicon is executed on Silver program directly (test all/chalice/internal-bug-14.sil), the program is verified successfully. Note that Carbon fails consistently.
Chalice2Silver test
fails when Silicon is used as a verifier. Silicon fails to show that the postcondition of the methodadd
However, when Silicon is executed on Silver program directly (test
), the program is verified successfully. Note that Carbon fails consistently.Related issues: