In the following example method test1, acquire l produces an unbounded obligation which is then converted to a bounded one by the loop invariant. However, this bounded obligation does not have a method level lifetime and as a result, the call to do_release fails, because verifier cannot show that the obligation lifetime has decreased.
class Lock {}
class A {
method test1(l: Lock)
requires l != null;
acquire l;
while (true)
invariant mustRelease(l, 1);
//:: UnexpectedOutput(call.precondition:assertion.false, /Chalice2Silver/issue/82/)
call do_release(l);
acquire l;
method test2(l: Lock)
requires l != null;
requires mustRelease(l, 2);
while (true)
invariant mustRelease(l, 1);
call do_release(l);
acquire l;
method do_release(l: Lock)
requires l != null;
requires mustRelease(l, 1);
release l;
In the following example method
,acquire l
produces an unbounded obligation which is then converted to a bounded one by the loop invariant. However, this bounded obligation does not have a method level lifetime and as a result, the call todo_release
fails, because verifier cannot show that the obligation lifetime has decreased.