viritin / viritin

The "commons" library for Vaadin developers
Apache License 2.0
153 stars 77 forks source link

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Viritin - The "commons" library for Vaadin

Note, Attention, Alert for existing users, Maddon was recently renamed to Viritin. New Maven coordinates: org.vaadin:viritin:1.22 (or whatever the latest version). After dependency change fixing imports in broken classes should do the thing. In addition to package rename, there is one potentially breaking change. EagerValidation is now default in AbstractForm.

Documentation project is going on in wiki


All large and stable libraries have their inconveniences and missing pieces. This is true for JDK libraries and just as true for Vaadin. Advanced Java users use various apache-commons libraries or Guava to fix these inconveniences in JDK libraries. This library tries to do the same for Vaadin.

The idea is to concentrate on server side Java to improvements to existing APIs, so that throwing this in to an applications or to another add-ons should be as easy as possible. Hopefully one can avoid some of stupid boilerplate code by using this library and make you more productive than ever with Vaadin.

So far improvements have been focused on three main categories:

Some examples of improvements:

E.g. this very common Vaadin code...

// Bind fields to entity properties by naming convention
BeanFieldGroup<Contact> binder = new BeanFieldGroup<Contact>(Contact.class);

...becomes like this:

BeanBinder.bind(contact, view)

And using basic layouts without this add-on...

VerticalLayout verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout();
HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout(c, d);
verticalLayout.addComponents(a, b, horizontalLayout);

... may start to feel rather mad, after using them with sane defaults and "fluent api":

setContent(new MVerticalLayout().withFullHeight().with(a, b,
        new MHorizontalLayout(c, d).withFullWidth().withMargin(false)));

Or when using the "intelligent" expand method:

        VerticalLayout wrapper = new VerticalLayout();
        HorizontalLayout toolbar = new HorizontalLayout(c, d);
        HorizontalLayout wrapper2 = new HorizontalLayout();
        wrapper2.setExpandRatio(mainContent, 1);
        wrapper.addComponents(toolbar, wrapper2);
        wrapper.setExpandRatio(wrapper2, 1);


        setContent(new MVerticalLayout(new MHorizontalLayout(c, d).withFullWidth())
                .expand(new MHorizontalLayout(menu).expand(mainContent)));

Note that in the above the expand call does setExpandRation(component, 1), where 1 the value that people use 99% of the time, but it takes care of adding component and setting sane size values for the layout and the added component.

The example is optimized for the number of lines, but most often you want to uses some line breaks and indentation for better readability. In anyways, the improved API lets you express the layout so that it is much easier to understand the hierarchy of component tree from the code, without adding lots of methods or classes.

Using Table to select a row for editor may simplify from ...

Table table = new Table();
BeanItemContainer<Entity> beanItemContainer = new BeanItemContainer<Entity>(Entity.class);
table.setVisibleColumns("property", "another");
table.setColumnHeaders("Property 1", "Second");
table.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
    public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) {
        Entity entity = (Entity) event.getProperty().getValue();


MTable<Entity> t = new MTable(findBeans())
        .withProperties("property", "another")
        .withColumnHeaders("Property 1", "Second");
t.addMValueChangeListener(new MValueChangeListener<Entity>() {
    public void valueChange(MValueChangeEvent<Entity> event) {

Note, that in the above, the event actually provides you the value you are interested directly and in with the correct type. Especially for new Vaadin users this is very helpful.

Using Label extensions can make your life both simpler and safer:

layout.addComponent(new Header("Tempertures during past week:"));
layout.addComponent(new RichText().withMarkDown("#How di hou [We have a link](!"));
layout.addComponent(new RichText().withMarkDown(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")));
layout.addComponent(new RichText().withSafeHtml(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/readme.html")));

Hopefully all of these enhancements will end up in the core Vaadin library, in a one form or another.

If you have a re-usable server side Vaadin "api-hack" that you continuously use in you project to reduce your madness, please contribute it. I promise to accept pull requests sooner and with lighter process than to the core Vaadin.

Also feel free to suggest dependencies to new or possibly already existing add-ons that are similar in nature (pure server side, simple and smallish). This way you'll only need to add one helper dependency to get what you most often want to. If your dependency or addition is not small or simple, we can still consider if it is otherwise high quality (well tested, industry proven). Current dependencies:

If a helper extends core Vaadin class, the convention is to simply prefix it with "M" letter. Otherwise, lets just use good naming conventions and reasonable sub packages.

List of helpers

Currently project contains following helpers (might be slightly outdated):

Online demo/usage examples

Online demo for this add-on hopefully makes no sense. But there are though many demo apps that contain helpful usage examples. Some of them listed here:

Usage examples

Run the following mvn command to start a small application (http://localhost:9998) with all usage examples under

mvn -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.classpathScope=test

Download a release

Official releases of this add-on are available at Vaadin Directory. For Maven instructions, download and reviews, go to

Maddon is now called Viritin

My colleagues teased me enough about the add-on name Maddon. M can mean Matti's add-on, but it also had to dual nature meaning I always made helpers there when APIs in core Vaadin (possibly even written by me) made me mad when using it :-)

Anyways, Viritin is a Finnish word, meaning tuner, and I think it describes the add-on pretty well too. It tunes Vaadin to be on the same frequency with you. English people might pronounce it almost like "wire it in" which also suits for the add-on, as lots of its latest helpers are related to binding your domain model to UI, wiring it in for the actual end user.

The add-on itself has been quite popular already. And there has bee lots of active contributors, thank you! There is now also a viritin organization in the github and I hope to get even more contributions for it in the future.

You can also expect some cool other Vaadin related things to pop up to under the governance of "Viritin organization". That yet to be published helper might change the way you use Vaadin even more than the Viritin add-on itself.