virtapi / LARS

Live Arch Rescue System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8 stars 5 forks source link

LARS - Live Arch Rescue System

LARS is an Arch Linux based live system intended to be booted via PXE. The main focus is on running installimage to provision virtual and physical machines.


Project Overview

We've got a small diagram showing the different projects in the VirtAPI namespace: virtapi-overview

How to use

You check out this project on your local computer, modify the config to your needs and create the ISO. It will than be copied to your DHCP server where the ISO will be extracted.


Every configuration option for the deployment is listed in our two config files. is used during the build process from rebuild_and_copy (outside of the ISO) and from (inside the ISO chroot). It will be temporarily copied into the build directory and deleted afterwards. The copy won't be included in the ISO (so you could place sensitive information here)! is used from start_installimage during the usage of the ISO itself. This config file helps the script to find the correct place for installimage configs. This config file is visible to every customer that uses the rescue system so take care about the data you put into it.

Everything that we configure inside of the iso is configured in airootfs/root/, important points are (there should be no need to modify this file!):

Using the installimage

You can start the installimage with the start_installimage script. This will source the file and try to download a normal installimage autoconfig file, if this fails it tries to download a json hash which will be converted into the needed format. After that, the installimage starts in a screen session and reboots if everything worked well. You can do a fully automated installatio if you attach script=/usr/local/bin/start_installimage to the PXE kernel cmdline.


Github Issues


This Scriptcollection is based on the archiso Package. It is licensed under GPL, all of our changes are based on the AGPL, you can find the license here.


You can meet us in the IRC channel #virtapi at freenode.


We've defined our contribution rules in