virtual-labs-archive / vlsi-iiith

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vlabs_7labs_broken navbar links #155

Open gayatripurigilla opened 6 years ago

gayatripurigilla commented 6 years ago

Defect description: non functional navigation bars.steps to reproduce the issue: vlabs home page > structural dynamics lab > navbarvlabs home page > computer-graphics lab > navbarvlabs home page > image processing lab > navbarvlabs home page > soil mechanics lab > navbarvlabs home page > pattern recognition lab > navbarvlabs home page > VLSI lab > navbarvlabs home page > computer-system organization lab > navbarexpected result: navigation to home page, all labs and other menu items present in the navbar are expected to redirect to the respective pages.actual result: broken links resulting in error:404.screen shot: as all the screen shots for all the labs cannot be put over here, a little zoom into the tabs show all the 7 labs and broken links for all the 7 labs alternatively in the below screen screenshot__312_shot.

Rashmi-G commented 6 years ago

issue fixed. commit id : 5c486f24d0661be4b7ebbcd4b3abd0e3fcc2d658

Rajadattu commented 6 years ago

Valid fix

adityagoda24 commented 6 years ago

valid fix

K7S3 commented 6 years ago

Fix is validated and can be moved to production, Rashmi-G, S5.