As a visitor to Scotland
I want to be able to calculate the carbon it takes to get to Scotland
So that I am aware of the impact of my travel choices
car (diesel/petrol/electric)
where are they travelling from?
Success Criteria
The calculator accurately calculates the carbon emissions for each journey type
The copy makes the question clear
The copy comes across as helpful and non-judgemental
The layout makes sense to the user and provides a clear experience
The design supports the copy
The design engages the user
The design is in line with VS guidelines
The calculator shows which question the user is on (one of four)
The calculator displays a tip on how the user can reduce their carbon, based on the choice they made
The calculator shows the running carbon total for each selection
Refactoring the code (code currently in old Design System repo)
SE to do Content Modelling (format is slightly different to a json form)
Determine where Carbon Calculator will sit - how do we signpost to it?
As a visitor to Scotland I want to be able to calculate the carbon it takes to get to Scotland So that I am aware of the impact of my travel choices
Success Criteria
Tasks Refactoring the code (code currently in old Design System repo) SE to do Content Modelling (format is slightly different to a json form) Determine where Carbon Calculator will sit - how do we signpost to it?
Original Jira Ticket