vispy / jupyter_rfb

Remote Frame Buffer for Jupyter
MIT License
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Performance ideas #87

Open kushalkolar opened 4 months ago

kushalkolar commented 4 months ago

I've been trying to push this as far as possible along with @apasarkar. Some observations and ideas:

  1. It seems like the framerate is much higher when using Firefox as opposed to chromium or chrome. It seemed like hardware acceleration (which I'm assuming is just was working on other sites in firefox (google maps for instance), but hardware accel wasn't working in my chromium or chrome. I wonder if that's related.
  2. Is it possible to receive smaller frames and do bilinear interpolation to resize 2x or 3x before displaying in the browser, does this improve performance? Many of our datasets are images that are of low spatial resolution, but we want to look at it zoomed in on large screens.
  3. Explore what's the fastest way to make the browser display images.
almarklein commented 4 months ago

Is it possible to receive smaller frames and do bilinear interpolation to resize 2x or 3x before displaying in the browser

Yes, I think the server could send any size in theory, using a factor of the framebuffer size is important to align with the pixel grid. Sending a smaller image should result in bilinear interpolation automatically since its an <img>.

However, I don't think it'd matter much, especially with jpeg? Well only a benchmark will tell 😉

kushalkolar commented 4 months ago

I just got a random idea and kinda tried it, use a webgl canvas straight within the browser to show a texture. I can get 40fps with a 1500 x 1200 size canavs and updating frames and encoding to jpeg in a slow for loop :joy: . I used this library which can create a webgl canvas in jupyter and just set textures

@almarklein what do you think about using a wgpu or webgl canvas to display the texture in jupyter instead of image elements? Is there any way to get an image element to use webgl if that's a thing (my javascript/HTML knowledge is quite limited). If not do you think a webgl based canvas could be a part of jupyter_rfb, I can try to implement it, about time I learn some javascript :laughing:

These are the jupyter cells if anyone wants to try it out, you'll have to rotate the scene from k3d to see the texture properly:

import k3d
import numpy as np

from jupyter_rfb._jpg import encoder
from time import time

import fastplotlib as fpl
from wgpu.gui.offscreen import WgpuCanvas
canvas = WgpuCanvas(size=(1500, 1200))

plot = fpl.Plot(canvas=canvas)

plot.add_image(np.random.rand(512, 512), name="image")

canvas.set_logical_size(1500, 1200)


data = encoder.encode(np.array(canvas.draw())[..., :-1], quality=80)

texture = k3d.texture(

k3dplot = k3d.plot()
k3dplot += texture

t0 = time()
n_frames = 100

for i in range(n_frames):
    plot["image"].data = np.random.rand(512, 512)
    texture.binary = encoder.encode(np.array(canvas.draw())[..., :-1], quality=60)

print(f"fps: {n_frames / (time() - t0)}")

kushalkolar commented 4 months ago

I have also just gotten the latest version of chrome and it seems like jupyter_rfb is much faster in the latest version of chrome, a bit faster than firefox. I think I'm going to revisit this properly once I made a reproducible benchmark, sorry for the noise but I'm curious what you think about a webgl or wgpu canvas within jupyter :)

almarklein commented 3 months ago

Yes, a webgl/webgpu-based canvas seems like a reasonable idea! Interesting!

Some ideas/comments/questions that come to mind: