Closed Larry-Lai closed 7 years ago
I had the same poblem and bypassed it by manually creating the VISTA group in my ~/.matlab/R2017a/matlabprefs.mat file using setpref('VISTA','verbose',1). To be fair I have no idea why that group didn't exist (maybe because I didn't use the toolboxtoolbox to install?) and what it does exactly (I think it initializes the waitbar, whatever that is), but it works now.
Hi Michael
Great, thanks for sharing. Could you please show me how to create this by using setpref('VISTA','verbose',1)?
Thanks for considering my request.
Cheers Larry
You literally copy and paste that into your command window and you should be good to go. Verify that you created the field Vista>verbose>1 by loading your matlabprefs.mat file in your matlab/R2017a directory.
Hi Michael
Great, it worked! Thanks a lot.
setpref('VISTA','verbose',1) mrAnatAverageAcpcNifti Direct calls to spm_defauts are deprecated. Please use spm('Defaults',modality) or spm_get_defaults instead.
alignLandmarks =
131.5000 129.5000 86.5000 131.5000 104.5000 78.5000 131.5000 103.5000 107.5000
Resampling reference image to ac-pc space, isotropic voxels... writing C:\Subjects\T1Img\Sub_001\average.nii.gz...
Cheers Larry
I'm getting the following message consistently while running mrAnatAverageAcpcNifti. (Matlab 2017b/SPM12):
Direct calls to spm_defauts are deprecated. Please use spm('Defaults',modality) or spm_get_defaults instead.
alignLandmarks =
127.5000 135.5000 141.5000 127.5000 113.5000 133.5000 127.5000 135.5000 140.5000
Resampling reference image to ac-pc space, isotropic voxels... Error using prefutils>getFieldRequired (line 69) group VISTA does not exist
Error in prefutils (line 10) [varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:});
Error in getpref (line 80) Group = prefutils('getFieldRequired',Preferences,group,...
Error in mrvWaitbar (line 20) verbose = getpref('VISTA', 'verbose');
Error in mrAnatResliceSpm (line 132) if(showProgress), h = mrvWaitbar(0,['Resampling with ' interpMethod ' interpolation...']); end
Error in mrAnatAverageAcpcNifti (line 302) [refImg,refXform] = mrAnatResliceSpm(refImg, tal2ref, bb, newMmPerVox, bSplineParams, showFigs);
Thanks for considering my request.
Regards Larry