vitalii-andriiovskyi / ngx-owl-carousel-o

owl-carousel for Angular >=6
MIT License
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owl-carousel-o responsive option is not working Angular #65

Open shahzadpydev opened 4 years ago

shahzadpydev commented 4 years ago


customOptionsforslider = {
    loop: false,
    nav: true,
    dots: false,
    mouseDrag: true,
    touchDrag: true,
    pullDrag: true,
    lazyLoad: true,
    margin: 30,
    smartSpeed: 500,
    autoplayTimeout: 1000,
    autoplayHoverPause: true,
    navText: ['', ''],
    responsive: {
      0: {
        items: 1.25,
      576: {
        items: 2.25,
      768: {
        items: 3,
      1024: {
        items: 4,
      1280: {
        items: 4,



<owl-carousel-o [options]="customOptionsforslider"></owl-carousel-o>


@import '~ngx-owl-carousel-o/lib/styles/scss/owl.theme.default';
@import '~ngx-owl-carousel-o/lib/styles/scss/owl.carousel';

Angular 7.2.9 ngx-owl-carousel-o ^2.0.3

First time slider load correct when we resize the screen or change the device width slider will not re arrange or re initialize itself. UI of slider will be broken after the screen change

vitalii-andriiovskyi commented 4 years ago

Hi @shahzadpydev

Sorry for the late answer. items in the responsive option must be integer.

Maybe this is not your case, but... In the description of the issue, you didn't mentioned about setting own id for slides. Mostly the carousel disappear when id's aren't strings. id's must have the type string. If you defined ids as numbers, you'll get the same problem, you have.