vitest-dev / vitest

Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
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Vitest Runs Tests in node_modules, despite node_modules being excludedI #5943

Closed jwalkerinterpres closed 5 months ago

jwalkerinterpres commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

I have the following test section in my vite.config.ts (the "exclude" section is the key part):

  test: {
      environment: 'jsdom',
      exclude: ['e2e/*', 'node_modules/*'],
      globals: true,
      // Fix for React Testing Library + Vite Test
      // @see
      setupFiles: ['./setupTests.ts']
      // The above just does: import '@testing-library/jest-dom';

However, despite the above exclude, tests in my e2e and node_modules folders are run.

Example Tests (from excluded folders):

 ❯ e2e/tests/aichat.spec.ts (0)
 ❯ e2e/tests/campaigns.spec.ts (0)
 ❯ e2e/tests/techniques.spec.ts (0)
 ❯ node_modules/graphiql/src/components/__tests__/GraphiQL.spec
.tsx (31)

Example failure (originating in node_modules)

    at StorageContextProvider (file:///Users/jeremywalker/new-ui/interpres-new-ui/node_modules/@graphiql/react/dist/index.mjs:42:13)
    at GraphiQLProvider (file:///Users/jeremywalker/new-ui/interpres-new-ui/node_modules/@graphiql/react/dist/index.mjs:2893:13)
    at GraphiQL (/Users/jeremywalker/new-ui/interpres-new-ui/node_modules/graphiql/src/components/GraphiQL.tsx:18:3)

(There are lots more of the above.)


  exclude: ['e2e/*', 'node_modules/*'],

is not being applied.


Since this doesn't seem to have anything to do with my test files (the whole problem is that it's runing files besides mine), and I've provided my vite config, I'm not sure what else I can offer to help with reproduction, but I'd be happy to provide anything else.

System Info

    OS: macOS 14.5
    CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max
    Memory: 273.34 MB / 32.00 GB
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 21.2.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.21 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
    npm: 10.2.3 - /usr/local/bin/npm
    Chrome: 126.0.6478.62
    Edge: 126.0.2592.61
    Safari: 17.5
    @vitejs/plugin-react: ^4.2.0 => 4.2.0 
    @vitest/coverage-v8: ^0.34.6 => 0.34.6 
    vite: ^5.0.3 => 5.0.3 
    vitest: ^0.34.6 => 0.34.6

Used Package Manager



sheremet-va commented 5 months ago

However, despite the above exclude, tests in my e2e and node_modules folders are run.

You have an error in you configuration. node_modules/* excludes only files in the first level -

When **, the "globstar", is used it matches zero or more directories and subdirectories. This allows for recursive directory searching easily.

Default pattern correctly excludes node_modules:

['**/node_modules/**', '**/dist/**', '**/cypress/**', '**/.{idea,git,cache,output,temp}/**', '**/{karma,rollup,webpack,vite,vitest,jest,ava,babel,nyc,cypress,tsup,build}.config.*']