vladholubiev / serverless-libreoffice

Run LibreOffice in AWS Lambda to create PDFs & convert documents
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Formatting differences in docx-->pdf conversion vs locally run libreoffice #19

Open vincent-fletcher opened 5 years ago

vincent-fletcher commented 5 years ago

Hi there.

I'm experiencing differences in the output pdf format (converting from docx) when running serverless-libreoffice vs running libreoffice 5.4 pre-installed on the machine.

Namely, it seems that certain text is varying in size, some being bolded while others are not. I assume this has something to do with fonts, but can you think of any way to rectify?

I've attached the three files, the original docx that was used, the Locally created pdf and also the Lambda created pdf.

sample-docx.docx lambda.pdf local.pdf

Thank you.

vladholubiev commented 5 years ago

Hey @myzticman,

I am facing the same issues myself as well, and unfortunately haven't found a solution to this problem yet.

There was an issue recently about using custom fonts https://github.com/vladgolubev/serverless-libreoffice/issues/18, maybe that will help shed some light on the topic