vladmandic / automatic

SD.Next: Advanced Implementation of Stable Diffusion and other Diffusion-based generative image models
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5.53k stars 406 forks source link

[Issue] webui.bat exits in pyenv #2972

Closed kalle07 closed 3 months ago

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

Issue Description

You don't mention that you have to create a Venv first. than webui.bat runs ...

nevertheless after all is installed

11:01:27-423019 ERROR Error running git: None / submodule --quiet update --init --recursive 11:01:29-088543 ERROR Required path not found: path=E:\automatic\modules\k-diffusion\k_diffusion\sampling.py item=k_diffusion

see full log blow

Version Platform Description

win10 RTX4060

Relevant log output

(venv) E:\automatic>git pull
Already up to date.

(venv) E:\automatic>pip install -r requirements.txt
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://pypi.ngc.nvidia.com
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in e:\automatic\venv\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1)) (58.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: patch-ng in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) (1.17.4)
Requirement already satisfied: anyio in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) (3.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: addict in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 4)) (2.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: astunparse in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) (1.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: blendmodes in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 6)) (2024.1)
Requirement already satisfied: clean-fid in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 7)) (0.1.35)
Requirement already satisfied: filetype in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 8)) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: future in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 9)) (0.18.3)
Requirement already satisfied: GitPython in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 10)) (3.1.40)
Requirement already satisfied: httpcore in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 11)) (0.17.3)
Requirement already satisfied: inflection in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 12)) (0.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: jsonmerge in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 13)) (1.9.2)
Requirement already satisfied: kornia in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 14)) (0.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: lark in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 15)) (1.1.9)
Requirement already satisfied: lpips in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 16)) (0.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: omegaconf in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 17)) (2.0.6)
Requirement already satisfied: open-clip-torch in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 18)) (2.24.0)
Requirement already satisfied: optimum in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 19)) (1.17.1)
Requirement already satisfied: piexif in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 20)) (1.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 21)) (5.9.6)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 22)) (6.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: resize-right in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 23)) (0.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: rich in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 24)) (13.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: safetensors in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 25)) (0.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 26)) (1.11.4)
Requirement already satisfied: tensordict==0.1.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 27)) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: toml in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 28)) (0.10.2)
Requirement already satisfied: torchdiffeq in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 29)) (0.2.3)
Requirement already satisfied: voluptuous in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 30)) (0.14.2)
Requirement already satisfied: yapf in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 31)) (0.40.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-image in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 32)) (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fasteners in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 33)) (0.19)
Requirement already satisfied: dctorch in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 34)) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pymatting in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 35)) (1.1.12)
Requirement already satisfied: peft in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 36)) (0.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: orjson in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 37)) (3.9.10)
Requirement already satisfied: httpx==0.24.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 38)) (0.24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: compel==2.0.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 39)) (2.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: torchsde==0.2.6 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 40)) (0.2.6)
Requirement already satisfied: clip-interrogator==0.6.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 41)) (0.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 42)) (4.9.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests==2.31.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 43)) (2.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm==4.66.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 44)) (4.66.1)
Requirement already satisfied: accelerate==0.27.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 45)) (0.27.2)
Requirement already satisfied: opencv-contrib-python-headless== in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 46)) (
Requirement already satisfied: diffusers==0.26.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 47)) (0.26.3)
Requirement already satisfied: einops==0.4.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 48)) (0.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gradio==3.43.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 49)) (3.43.2)
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface_hub==0.20.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 50)) (0.20.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numexpr==2.8.8 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 51)) (2.8.8)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy==1.26.4 in e:\automatic\venv\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 52)) (1.26.4)
Requirement already satisfied: numba==0.59.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 53)) (0.59.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 54)) (2.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf==3.20.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 55)) (3.20.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytorch_lightning==1.9.4 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 56)) (1.9.4)
Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers==0.15.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 57)) (0.15.2)
Requirement already satisfied: transformers==4.38.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 58)) (4.38.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tomesd==0.1.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 59)) (0.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3==1.26.18 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 60)) (1.26.18)
Requirement already satisfied: Pillow==10.2.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 61)) (10.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: timm==0.9.12 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 62)) (0.9.12)
Requirement already satisfied: pydantic==1.10.13 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 63)) (1.10.13)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions==4.9.0 in e:\automatic\venv\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 64)) (4.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: torch in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from tensordict==0.1.2->-r requirements.txt (line 27)) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cloudpickle in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from tensordict==0.1.2->-r requirements.txt (line 27)) (3.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: sniffio in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from httpx==0.24.1->-r requirements.txt (line 38)) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from httpx==0.24.1->-r requirements.txt (line 38)) (2023.11.17)
Requirement already satisfied: idna in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from httpx==0.24.1->-r requirements.txt (line 38)) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing~=3.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from compel==2.0.2->-r requirements.txt (line 39)) (3.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: trampoline>=0.1.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from torchsde==0.2.6->-r requirements.txt (line 40)) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: torchvision in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from clip-interrogator==0.6.0->-r requirements.txt (line 41)) (0.16.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from requests==2.31.0->-r requirements.txt (line 43)) (3.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from tqdm==4.66.1->-r requirements.txt (line 44)) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from accelerate==0.27.2->-r requirements.txt (line 45)) (23.2)
Requirement already satisfied: regex!=2019.12.17 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from diffusers==0.26.3->-r requirements.txt (line 47)) (2023.10.3)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from diffusers==0.26.3->-r requirements.txt (line 47)) (3.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from diffusers==0.26.3->-r requirements.txt (line 47)) (6.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2<4.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib~=3.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (3.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: semantic-version~=2.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (2.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-multipart in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.0.6)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-resources<7.0,>=1.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (6.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: uvicorn>=0.14.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.24.0.post1)
Requirement already satisfied: altair<6.0,>=4.2.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (5.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pydub in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: markupsafe~=2.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (2.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ffmpy in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: websockets<12.0,>=10.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (11.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: aiofiles<24.0,>=22.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (23.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gradio-client==0.5.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fastapi in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.109.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec>=2023.5.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (2023.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: llvmlite<0.43,>=0.42.0dev0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from numba==0.59.0->-r requirements.txt (line 53)) (0.42.0)
Requirement already satisfied: lightning-utilities>=0.6.0.post0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from pytorch_lightning==1.9.4->-r requirements.txt (line 56)) (0.10.1)
Requirement already satisfied: torchmetrics>=0.7.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from pytorch_lightning==1.9.4->-r requirements.txt (line 56)) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: exceptiongroup in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from anyio->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wheel<1.0,>=0.23.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from astunparse->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) (0.42.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six<2.0,>=1.6.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from astunparse->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: aenum<4,>=3.1.15 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from blendmodes->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) (3.1.15)
Requirement already satisfied: gitdb<5,>=4.0.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from GitPython->-r requirements.txt (line 10)) (4.0.11)
Requirement already satisfied: h11<0.15,>=0.13 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from httpcore->-r requirements.txt (line 11)) (0.14.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>2.4.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from jsonmerge->-r requirements.txt (line 13)) (4.20.0)
Requirement already satisfied: sentencepiece in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from open-clip-torch->-r requirements.txt (line 18)) (0.1.99)
Requirement already satisfied: ftfy in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from open-clip-torch->-r requirements.txt (line 18)) (6.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: datasets in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (2.18.0)
Requirement already satisfied: coloredlogs in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (15.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (1.12)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from rich->-r requirements.txt (line 24)) (3.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from rich->-r requirements.txt (line 24)) (2.17.1)
Requirement already satisfied: platformdirs>=3.5.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from yapf->-r requirements.txt (line 31)) (4.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tomli>=2.0.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from yapf->-r requirements.txt (line 31)) (2.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx>=2.8 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from scikit-image->-r requirements.txt (line 32)) (2.8.8)
Requirement already satisfied: tifffile>=2022.8.12 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from scikit-image->-r requirements.txt (line 32)) (2024.2.12)
Requirement already satisfied: imageio>=2.27 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from scikit-image->-r requirements.txt (line 32)) (2.34.0)
Requirement already satisfied: lazy_loader>=0.3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from scikit-image->-r requirements.txt (line 32)) (0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: tzdata>=2022.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from pandas->-r requirements.txt (line 54)) (2023.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from pandas->-r requirements.txt (line 54)) (2023.3.post1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from pandas->-r requirements.txt (line 54)) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: toolz in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from altair<6.0,>=4.2.0->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from fsspec>=2023.5.0->huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: smmap<6,>=3.0.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from gitdb<5,>=4.0.1->GitPython->-r requirements.txt (line 10)) (5.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from importlib-metadata->diffusers==0.26.3->-r requirements.txt (line 47)) (3.17.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema-specifications>=2023.03.6 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from jsonschema>2.4.0->jsonmerge->-r requirements.txt (line 13)) (2023.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=22.2.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from jsonschema>2.4.0->jsonmerge->-r requirements.txt (line 13)) (23.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: referencing>=0.28.4 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from jsonschema>2.4.0->jsonmerge->-r requirements.txt (line 13)) (0.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: rpds-py>=0.7.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from jsonschema>2.4.0->jsonmerge->-r requirements.txt (line 13)) (0.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mdurl~=0.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich->-r requirements.txt (line 24)) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib~=3.0->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib~=3.0->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib~=3.0->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (4.46.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.3.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib~=3.0->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (1.4.5)
Requirement already satisfied: click>=7.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from uvicorn>=0.14.0->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (8.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: humanfriendly>=9.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from coloredlogs->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: dill<0.3.9,>=0.3.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from datasets->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (0.3.8)
Requirement already satisfied: xxhash in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from datasets->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (3.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow>=12.0.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from datasets->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (14.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow-hotfix in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from datasets->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (0.6)
Requirement already satisfied: multiprocess in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from datasets->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (0.70.16)
Requirement already satisfied: starlette<0.36.0,>=0.35.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from fastapi->gradio==3.43.2->-r requirements.txt (line 49)) (0.35.1)
Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth<0.3.0,>=0.2.12 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from ftfy->open-clip-torch->-r requirements.txt (line 18)) (0.2.13)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from sympy->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec>=2023.5.0->huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (1.9.2)
Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec>=2023.5.0->huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (4.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec>=2023.5.0->huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec>=2023.5.0->huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (6.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec>=2023.5.0->huggingface_hub==0.20.3->-r requirements.txt (line 50)) (1.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyreadline3 in c:\users\kallemst\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.5\lib\site-packages (from humanfriendly>=9.1->coloredlogs->optimum->-r requirements.txt (line 19)) (3.4.1)
WARNING: You are using pip version 22.0.4; however, version 24.0 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'E:\automatic\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

(venv) E:\automatic>webui.bat --use-cuda
Using VENV: E:\automatic\venv
11:01:22-505054 INFO     Starting SD.Next
11:01:22-513103 INFO     Logger: file="E:\automatic\sdnext.log" level=INFO size=29831 mode=append
11:01:22-513103 INFO     Python 3.10.5 on Windows
11:01:22-944082 INFO     Version: app=sd.next updated=2024-03-07 hash=bc4b633e url=https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/tree/master
11:01:23-376024 INFO     Platform: arch=AMD64 cpu=Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel system=Windows release=Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 python=3.10.5
11:01:23-391645 INFO     nVidia CUDA toolkit detected: nvidia-smi present
11:01:23-846414 INFO     Startup: standard
11:01:23-846414 INFO     Verifying requirements
11:01:23-862063 INFO     Verifying packages
11:01:23-862063 INFO     Verifying submodules
11:01:27-423019 ERROR    Error running git: None / submodule --quiet update --init --recursive
11:01:29-088543 ERROR    Required path not found: path=E:\automatic\modules\k-diffusion\k_diffusion\sampling.py item=k_diffusion
11:01:31-327443 INFO     Extensions enabled: ['Lora', 'sd-extension-chainner', 'sd-extension-system-info', 'sd-webui-agent-scheduler', 'sd-webui-controlnet', 'stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser', 'stable-diffusion-webui-rembg']
11:01:31-327443 INFO     Verifying requirements
11:01:31-335479 WARNING  Setup complete with errors: 1
11:01:31-335479 WARNING  See log file for more details: E:\automatic\sdnext.log
11:01:31-345513 INFO     Command line args: ['--use-cuda'] use_cuda=True
11:01:36-890052 INFO     Load packages: {'torch': '2.1.1+cpu', 'diffusers': '0.26.3', 'gradio': '3.43.2'}
11:01:37-651579 INFO     Engine: backend=Backend.DIFFUSERS compute=cpu device=cpu attention="Scaled-Dot-Product" mode=no_grad
11:01:37-667203 INFO     Device:
11:01:37-667203 ERROR    ONNX failed to initialize: No module named 'onnx'
11:01:38-393743 INFO     Available VAEs: path="models\VAE" items=0
11:01:38-393743 INFO     Disabled extensions: ['sd-webui-controlnet']
11:01:38-401856 INFO     Available models: path="models\Stable-diffusion" items=1 time=0.01
11:01:38-523551 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\Lora\scripts\lora_script.py' 11:01:38-515537 INFO     LoRA networks: available=0 folders=2
11:01:38-553643 INFO     UI theme: name="black-teal" style=Auto base=sdnext.css
11:01:39-683244 INFO     Extension list is empty: refresh required
11:01:39-866267 INFO     Local URL:
11:01:39-965388 INFO     Select: model="SDXL_my_and_pony2 [f3e2bc3cbb]"
11:01:39-967481 INFO     Torch override dtype: no-half set
11:01:39-967481 INFO     Torch override VAE dtype: no-half set
11:01:39-967481 INFO     Setting Torch parameters: device=cpu dtype=torch.float32 vae=torch.float32 unet=torch.float32 context=no_grad fp16=None bf16=None optimization=Scaled-Dot-Product
11:01:39-967481 INFO     Autodetect: model="Stable Diffusion XL" class=StableDiffusionXLPipeline file="E:\automatic\models\Stable-diffusion\SDXL_my_and_pony2.safetensors" size=6617MB
11:01:43-140459 INFO     Load embeddings: loaded=0 skipped=0 time=0.01
11:01:43-295332 INFO     Load model: time=3.18 load=3.18 native=1024 {'ram': {'used': 13.54, 'total': 63.89}}
11:01:43-295332 INFO     Startup time: 11.95 torch=4.43 olive=0.07 gradio=1.01 libraries=1.46 extensions=0.09 ui-en=0.22 ui-txt2img=0.10 ui-img2img=0.06 ui-control=0.09 ui-extras=0.21 ui-settings=0.39 launch=0.11 api=0.09 checkpoint=3.34
11:04:02-586144 INFO     Exiting






SD 1.5


vladmandic commented 6 months ago

i understand your frustration, but you're skipping over errors and making it worse by doing some steps manually.

You don't mention that you have to create a Venv first.

that is NOT needed for 99.9% users - all that webui.bat does is create and activate venv and then runs python launch.py if that does not work on your system, that needs to be troubleshooted.

pip install -r requirements.txt

running requirements installation manually is NOT SUPPORTED. installer will install what it needs, you're just making it worse.

gpu dont work

webui.bat --use-cuda will only install torch-cuda if torch is not already installed. in your case, you already had a bad installation. so either remove venv or run with additional --reinstall params.

Error running git: None / submodule --quiet update --init --recursive

this is the reason why k-diffusion is missing. details are in the log file which you did not provide.

stderr: 'fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'E:/automatic/extensions/adetailer' 'E:/automatic/extensions/adetailer' is owned by: 'S-1-5-32-544' but the current user is: 'S-1-5-21-3859174244-1993617766-2322335723-1001'

make sure that you use same user to create folder, clone the repo and run webui.bat. do not switch to different users or use admin account.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

no frustation , i dont understand why webui.bat dont work on my system ;)

and its heavy to troubleshoot if only ... c:\automatic>webui.bat c:\automatic> ... nothing happended ^^

ok i reinstalled it with activated venv webui.bat --reinstall

so now it works with cuda! :) (seems i bit faster than automatic1111)

i had to uncheck Full precision for model (--no-half) Full precision for VAE (--no-half-vae) 6GB SDXKL checkpoint load 16GB in VRAM (i have only 16)

brknsoul commented 6 months ago

Ensure that python and git are in your path by running python --version and git --version from the command line. Then; git clone https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic OptionalFolderName cd automatic (or cd OptionalFolderName) webui.bat

vladmandic commented 6 months ago

what do you mean "uncheck"? those settings are not enabled by default. they are typically only needed for gpus that don't support fp16. which gpu do you have?

and if webui.bat just exits, remove line @echo off at the start to see everything its doing

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

RTX4060 (for me it was checked maybe because my former instal and than reinstall)

e:\automatic2\automatic>webui.bat e:\automatic2\automatic>if not defined PYTHON (set PYTHON=python ) e:\automatic2\automatic>if not defined VENV_DIR (set "VENV_DIR=e:\automatic2\automatic\venv" ) e:\automatic2\automatic>set ERROR_REPORTING=FALSE e:\automatic2\automatic>mkdir tmp 2>NUL e:\automatic2\automatic>python -c "" 1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt e:\automatic2\automatic>python --version Python 3.10.5 e:\automatic2\automatic>git --version git version 2.40.1.windows.1

usualy all other python stuff work ;)

brknsoul commented 6 months ago

It may or may not make a difference, but the suggested minimum version of python for SD.Next is 3.10.11, as linked from here.

There should be a lot more to that webui.bat file as evidenced here

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

but it worked if i manual create an environment and activate it ? ;)

brknsoul commented 6 months ago

That's the thing, you shouldn't ever need to, since webui.bat does all that for you.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

at least if webui makes all for me, an error should be occur (wrong python version) ^^

vladmandic commented 6 months ago

if this is last line that webui.bat prints, that means something terribly wrong happened to python, it did not even return error code

python -c "" 1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt

RTX4060 (for me it was checked maybe because my former instal and than reinstall)

i've asked several times to do clean install. there were way too many errors previously, especially with permissions. and why cuda was not detected is very questionable. not to mention you installing requirements manually.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

all ok iam not a python programmer ;) thx for explaining

if i may ask, is all implemented if all is right installed and should download automaticaly? i try to go under tab control chose "Stable Video Diffusion" and error missing model iv dowloaded svd_xt_image_decoder.safetensors but which path?

(you can tell me if i should sart a new installation with python 3.10.11)

vladmandic commented 6 months ago

if i should sart a new installation with python 3.10.11

ideally, yes. in theory, 3.10.5 should also be fine but there is clearly something wrong there.

if i may ask, is all implemented if all is right installed and should download automaticaly?

only sd15 and sdxl are allowed to be downloaded manually as safetensors and be detected automatically. for other models, there is a lot of per-model configuration that needs to happen as safetensors does not contain sufficient data to even know what model type it is.

for svd, you should use extra networks -> reference -> select model and it will be downloaded automatically. and it can only be used in img2img with stable-video-diffusion script enabled.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

i see...

btw my next try ...

e:\automatic>webui.bat --debug

e:\automatic>if not defined PYTHON (set PYTHON=python )

e:\automatic>if not defined VENV_DIR (set "VENV_DIR=e:\automatic\venv" )

e:\automatic>set ERROR_REPORTING=FALSE

e:\automatic>mkdir tmp 2>NUL

e:\automatic>python -c "" 1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt

e:\automatic>python --version Python 3.10.11

e:\automatic>git --version git version 2.40.1.windows.1

what can i do ? what is wrong and what is such as much different in automaitc1111 and fooocus and privatgpt and invoke and kohya and oobadooga(text-generation-webui) that i can install ? ;)

brknsoul commented 6 months ago

Did you try a full reinstall by following the steps here; https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/issues/2972#issuecomment-1988676675

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

yes new git clone ...

brknsoul commented 6 months ago

Open command prompt and do where python.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

oh too many to choose

... C:\Users\kallemst>where python C:\Users\kallemst.pyenv\pyenv-win\shims\python C:\Users\kallemst.pyenv\pyenv-win\shims\python.bat C:\Users\kallemst\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe C:\Users\kallemst\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe


kalle07 commented 6 months ago

and? no idea ?

vladmandic commented 6 months ago

i would remove pyenv and python completely and install fresh python. my guess is that pyenv's python.bat is somehow preventing python check to complete

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

but only with your check ;)

all really all other work ... you have no manul for conda or environment install ? but nevertheless seems iam special case

vladmandic commented 6 months ago

but only with your check ;)

yes, sdnext performs many more checks than other similar apps since its the only one with true built-in support for different types of gpus out-of-the-box. that's why checks are necessary. if we were "its just cuda and for everything else you're on your own", then we could skip a lot of checks.

you have no manul for conda or environment install ?

if someone is using conda or pyenv i'd assume they have experience to set it up and troubleshoot. but yes, docs would be nice - and this is a community project, so contributions are welcome.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

at the moment i studdy second time ^^

contributions is also share experience ;)

vladmandic commented 6 months ago

not sure what is expected here and now? i've asked to perform clean install and you've asked if you should use fresh python as well - i said yes. that was 3 days ago.

kalle07 commented 6 months ago

iv installed python 3.10.11 (old was .5) how you see last message

(you doo nothing with poetry ?)

i doo nothing more and risc all my other stuff ^^

vladmandic commented 5 months ago

what is the status of this issue? last i see was ask to see if it works with fresh python and without pyenv.

kalle07 commented 5 months ago

thx for asking,

i dont want delete all and reinstall pythion and git, i dont want risc my other 10 python repositories that working very well ... because im a beginner and i dont know what i doo ...

your check is to hard ;)

... E:\automatic>webui.bat

E:\automatic>if not defined PYTHON (set PYTHON=python )

E:\automatic>if not defined VENV_DIR (set "VENV_DIR=E:\automatic\venv" )


E:\automatic>mkdir tmp 2>NUL

E:\automatic>python -c "" 1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt


if i create venv python -m venv venv --system-site-packages

and activate it and run webui.bat than the install running ... it runs now, i can tell you if it worked ;)

vladmandic commented 5 months ago

i understand, but in that case not much i can do here and now.

kalle07 commented 5 months ago

it worked but only runs on CPU ... if its to compilate too set all manually ... you can close the issue

(venv) e:\automatic>webui

(venv) e:\automatic>if not defined PYTHON (set PYTHON=python )

(venv) e:\automatic>if not defined VENV_DIR (set "VENV_DIR=e:\automatic\venv" )

(venv) e:\automatic>set ERROR_REPORTING=FALSE

(venv) e:\automatic>mkdir tmp  2>NUL

(venv) e:\automatic>python -c ""  1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt

(venv) e:\automatic>if 0 == 0 goto :check_pip

(venv) e:\automatic>python -mpip --help  1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt

(venv) e:\automatic>if 0 == 0 goto :start_venv

(venv) e:\automatic>if ["e:\automatic\venv"] == ["-"] goto :skip_venv

(venv) e:\automatic>if [""] == ["1"] goto :skip_venv

(venv) e:\automatic>dir "e:\automatic\venv\Scripts\Python.exe"  1>tmp/stdout.txt 2>tmp/stderr.txt

(venv) e:\automatic>if 0 == 0 goto :activate_venv

(venv) e:\automatic>set PYTHON="e:\automatic\venv\Scripts\Python.exe"

(venv) e:\automatic>echo Using VENV: e:\automatic\venv
Using VENV: e:\automatic\venv

(venv) e:\automatic>if [] == ["True"] goto :accelerate

(venv) e:\automatic>goto :launch

(venv) e:\automatic>"e:\automatic\venv\Scripts\Python.exe" launch.py
16:34:07-177609 INFO     Starting SD.Next
16:34:07-177609 INFO     Logger: file="e:\automatic\sdnext.log" level=INFO size=65 mode=append
16:34:07-177609 INFO     Python 3.10.11 on Windows
16:34:07-507680 INFO     Version: app=sd.next updated=2024-03-21 hash=82973c49 branch=master
16:34:08-037666 INFO     Platform: arch=AMD64 cpu=Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel system=Windows
                         release=Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 python=3.10.11
16:34:08-048044 INFO     nVidia CUDA toolkit detected: nvidia-smi present
16:34:08-048044 INFO     Installing package: onnxruntime-gpu
16:34:37-327703 WARNING  Modified files: ['webui.bat']
16:34:37-407658 INFO     Startup: standard
16:34:37-407658 INFO     Verifying requirements
16:34:37-417858 INFO     Installing package: patch-ng
16:34:42-467859 INFO     Installing package: addict
16:34:45-739121 INFO     Installing package: astunparse
16:34:49-637999 INFO     Installing package: blendmodes
16:35:00-430231 INFO     Installing package: clean-fid
16:35:04-297841 INFO     Installing package: filetype
16:35:08-127785 INFO     Installing package: future
16:35:12-762721 INFO     Installing package: httpcore
16:35:16-217698 INFO     Installing package: inflection
16:35:19-937542 INFO     Installing package: jsonmerge
16:35:26-027627 INFO     Installing package: kornia
16:35:32-251911 INFO     Installing package: lark
16:35:35-717804 INFO     Installing package: lpips
16:35:39-527985 INFO     Installing package: omegaconf
16:35:45-872586 INFO     Installing package: open-clip-torch
16:35:52-947778 INFO     Installing package: optimum
16:36:07-577807 INFO     Installing package: piexif
16:36:11-540825 INFO     Installing package: resize-right
16:36:15-407681 INFO     Installing package: tensordict==0.1.2
16:36:20-392943 INFO     Installing package: toml
16:36:24-317643 INFO     Installing package: torchdiffeq
16:36:27-938547 INFO     Installing package: voluptuous
16:36:31-457747 INFO     Installing package: yapf
16:36:35-357952 INFO     Installing package: scikit-image
16:36:45-517614 INFO     Installing package: fasteners
16:36:49-167809 INFO     Installing package: dctorch
16:36:52-957970 INFO     Installing package: pymatting
16:36:57-227483 INFO     Installing package: peft
16:37:02-157890 INFO     Installing package: httpx==0.24.1
16:37:07-057642 INFO     Installing package: compel==2.0.2
16:37:14-447439 INFO     Installing package: torchsde==0.2.6
16:37:19-181085 INFO     Installing package: clip-interrogator==0.6.0
16:37:23-627916 WARNING  Package version mismatch: tqdm 4.66.2 required 4.66.1
16:37:23-637596 INFO     Installing package: tqdm==4.66.1
16:37:27-477503 INFO     Installing package: opencv-contrib-python-headless==
16:37:38-547458 WARNING  Package version mismatch: diffusers 0.27.2 required 0.27.0
16:37:38-547458 INFO     Installing package: diffusers==0.27.0
16:37:45-207470 WARNING  Package version mismatch: einops 0.7.0 required 0.4.1
16:37:45-207470 INFO     Installing package: einops==0.4.1
16:37:49-377513 INFO     Installing package: gradio==3.43.2
16:38:07-097677 INFO     Installing package: numexpr==2.8.8
16:38:11-472517 WARNING  Package version mismatch: numba 0.59.1 required 0.59.0
16:38:11-472517 INFO     Installing package: numba==0.59.0
16:38:19-297923 WARNING  Package version mismatch: protobuf 4.25.3 required 3.20.3
16:38:19-297923 INFO     Installing package: protobuf==3.20.3
16:38:23-577531 INFO     Installing package: pytorch_lightning==1.9.4
16:38:32-062335 INFO     Installing package: tomesd==0.1.3
16:38:36-417873 WARNING  Package version mismatch: urllib3 2.2.1 required 1.26.18
16:38:36-417873 INFO     Installing package: urllib3==1.26.18
16:38:40-980538 WARNING  Package version mismatch: timm 0.9.16 required 0.9.12
16:38:40-980538 INFO     Installing package: timm==0.9.12
16:38:46-767751 WARNING  Package version mismatch: pydantic 2.6.4 required 1.10.13
16:38:46-767751 INFO     Installing package: pydantic==1.10.13
16:38:51-837855 WARNING  Package version mismatch: typing-extensions 4.10.0 required 4.9.0
16:38:51-847887 INFO     Installing package: typing-extensions==4.9.0
16:38:55-783227 INFO     Verifying packages
16:38:55-783227 INFO     Installing package: git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
16:39:03-027655 INFO     Installing package:
16:39:20-317566 INFO     Installing package: pi-heif
16:39:25-390292 INFO     Installing package: tensorflow==2.13.0
16:40:52-446613 INFO     Verifying submodules
16:43:35-487602 INFO     Extension installed packages: sd-webui-controlnet ['dsine==2024.3.23',
                         'handrefinerportable==2024.2.12.0', 'depth-anything==2024.1.22.0', 'pywin32==306',
                         'svg.path==6.3', 'chardet==5.2.0', 'typing-extensions==4.10.0',
                         'opencv-contrib-python==', 'opencv-python-headless==', 'trimesh==4.2.4',
                         'reportlab==4.1.0', 'prettytable==3.10.0', 'embreex==2.17.7.post4', 'portalocker==2.8.2',
                         'shapely==2.0.3', 'numpy==1.26.4', 'onnx==1.16.0', 'easydict==1.13', 'svglib==1.5.1',
                         'albumentations==1.4.2', 'tinycss2==1.2.1', 'Rtree==1.2.0', 'geffnet==1.0.2',
                         'mapbox-earcut==1.0.1', 'mediapipe==0.10.11', 'tabulate==0.9.0', 'pycollada==0.8',
                         'insightface==0.7.3', 'cssselect2==0.7.0', 'webencodings==0.5.1', 'glob2==0.5', 'jax==0.4.25',
                         'sounddevice==0.4.6', 'ml-dtypes==0.4.0', 'iopath==0.1.9', 'yacs==0.1.8',
                         'fvcore==0.1.5.post20221221', 'xatlas==0.0.9', 'vhacdx==0.0.6']
16:43:40-537306 INFO     Extension installed packages: stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser ['Send2Trash==1.8.2']
16:43:46-531091 INFO     Extension installed packages: stable-diffusion-webui-rembg ['rembg==2.0.56']
16:43:46-533099 INFO     Extensions enabled: ['Lora', 'sd-extension-chainner', 'sd-extension-system-info',
                         'sd-webui-agent-scheduler', 'sd-webui-controlnet', 'stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser',
16:43:46-533099 INFO     Verifying requirements
16:43:46-547269 WARNING  Package version mismatch: typing-extensions 4.10.0 required 4.9.0
16:43:46-551302 INFO     Installing package: typing-extensions==4.9.0
16:43:51-677591 INFO     Command line args: []
16:44:03-557179 INFO     Load packages: {'torch': '2.2.1+cpu', 'diffusers': '0.27.0', 'gradio': '3.43.2'}
16:44:06-367209 INFO     Engine: backend=Backend.DIFFUSERS compute=cpu device=cpu attention="Scaled-Dot-Product"
16:44:06-367209 INFO     Device:
16:44:08-407295 INFO     Create: folder="models\ONNX"
16:44:08-417502 INFO     Create: folder="models\Stable-diffusion"
16:44:08-417502 INFO     Create: folder="models\Diffusers"
16:44:08-417502 INFO     Create: folder="models\VAE"
16:44:08-417502 INFO     Create: folder="models\Lora"
16:44:08-417502 INFO     Create: folder="models\embeddings"
16:44:08-417502 INFO     Create: folder="models\hypernetworks"
16:44:08-427207 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\text"
16:44:08-427207 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\image"
16:44:08-427207 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\control"
16:44:08-427207 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\extras"
16:44:08-433019 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\init-images"
16:44:08-433019 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\grids"
16:44:08-433019 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\save"
16:44:08-437554 INFO     Create: folder="outputs\video"
16:44:08-497248 INFO     Available VAEs: path="models\VAE" items=0
16:44:08-507415 INFO     Disabled extensions: ['sd-webui-controlnet']
16:44:08-507415 INFO     Available models: path="models\Stable-diffusion" items=0 time=0.00
16:44:08-517255 INFO     Installing package: basicsr
16:44:20-283575 INFO     Installing package: gfpgan
16:44:29-327575 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\Lora\scripts\lora_script.py'
                         16:44:29-327575 INFO     LoRA networks: available=0
16:44:30-247185 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-agent-scheduler\scripts\task_scheduler.py'
                         Using sqlite file: extensions-builtin\sd-webui-agent-scheduler\task_scheduler.sqlite3
16:44:30-597159 INFO     Extension:
                         Image Browser: Creating database
16:44:30-597159 INFO     Extension:
                         Image Browser: Database created
16:44:30-682379 INFO     Upscaler create: folder="models\chaiNNer"
16:44:30-682379 INFO     Upscaler create: folder="models\RealESRGAN"
16:44:30-707200 INFO     UI theme: name="black-teal" style=Auto base=sdnext.css
16:44:31-217639 ERROR    Reading failed: ui-config.json [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ui-config.json'
16:44:32-034510 INFO     Extension list is empty: refresh required
16:44:33-537458 INFO     Local URL:
16:44:33-727448 INFO     [AgentScheduler] Task queue is empty
16:44:33-737526 INFO     [AgentScheduler] Registering APIs
16:44:33-867463 WARNING  Cannot generate without a checkpoint
16:44:33-867463 INFO     Set system paths to use existing folders in a different location
16:44:33-867463 INFO       or use --models-dir <path-to-folder> to specify base folder with all models
16:44:33-867463 INFO       or use --ckpt-dir <path-to-folder> to specify folder with sd models
16:44:33-867463 INFO       or use --ckpt <path-to-checkpoint> to force using existing model
16:44:33-877543 INFO     Startup time: 42.19 torch=9.68 olive=0.11 gradio=2.08 libraries=4.80 ldm=0.05 samplers=0.09
                         extensions=1.41 face-restore=20.71 upscalers=0.06 ui-en=0.17 ui-txt2img=0.06 ui-img2img=0.07
                         ui-control=0.11 ui-settings=0.40 ui-extensions=1.49 ui-defaults=0.09 launch=0.37 api=0.10
16:51:19-406986 INFO     Browser session: user=None client= agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64;
                         rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0
16:51:19-437019 INFO     MOTD: N/A
16:53:57-607027 INFO     Settings: changed=2 ['ckpt_dir', 'lora_dir']
16:54:03-856906 INFO     Available models: path="d:\stable-diffusion\webui\models\Stable-diffusion\" items=102
16:54:29-496954 INFO     Select: model="SDXL_myown_Sevenof9_VAE"
16:54:29-806985 WARNING  Torch FP16 test failed: Forcing FP32 operations: "LayerNormKernelImpl" not implemented for
16:54:29-816973 INFO     Torch override dtype: no-half set
16:54:29-816973 INFO     Torch override VAE dtype: no-half set
16:54:29-816973 INFO     Setting Torch parameters: device=cpu dtype=torch.float32 vae=torch.float32 unet=torch.float32
                         context=no_grad fp16=False bf16=None optimization=Scaled-Dot-Product
16:54:29-822152 INFO     Autodetect: model="Stable Diffusion XL" class=StableDiffusionXLPipeline
Calculating hash: d:\stable-diffusion\webui\models\Stable-diffusion\SDXL_myown_Sevenof9_VAE.safetensors ---- 6.9… 0:00…
16:54:47-547160 INFO     Load embeddings: loaded=0 skipped=0 time=0.00
16:54:47-747017 INFO     Load model: time=18.05 load=18.05 native=1024 {'ram': {'used': 13.6, 'total': 63.89}}
vladmandic commented 5 months ago

it worked but only runs on CPU ...

it runs on cpu because you have torch-cpu already installed. unless you specify --reinstall, sdnext will not replace existing torch.

if its to compilate too set all manually

i dont understand?

kalle07 commented 5 months ago

i meant manually in the GUi

ok iv --reinstall(ed) webui --reinstall (with activated venv)

and ... IT works ;)

maybe one small issue for me if i input the resolution (with 4:3) i must doo it very slow, it calculate somewhat ?!? and if i change hight/width with that arrows, the resolution change not from 1024/768 to 768/1024 ?!?

i will try more ...

vladmandic commented 5 months ago

if i input the resolution (with 4:3) i must doo it very slow, it calculate somewhat ?!?

yes, its a known limitation - its a quite a slow ui update, will be improved in the future.

kalle07 commented 5 months ago

i see...

this resoltuion switch fron landscape to portrait you understand ? if not i can explain in new bug, and we can close here ;)

kalle07 commented 5 months ago

btw. i dont search for this in your gui yet extentions are aviable in a list (like automatic1111) ? and most are compatible ?

vladmandic commented 5 months ago

yes, they are available. compatible? depends.