vmware-tanzu / asset-relocation-tool-for-kubernetes

A tool for relocating Kubernetes Assets
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Does not work for charts with image tags that default to Chart.AppVersion #204

Open petewall opened 9 months ago

petewall commented 9 months ago

I'm seeing more and more Helm charts that leave the tag field empty in favor of defaulting to the AppVersion field of the chart.

A few examples:

When I run relok8s with the following hints file (I'm using Grafana Agent as a subchart):

- "{{ .grafana-agent.image.registry }}/{{ .grafana-agent.image.repository }}:{{ .grafana-agent.image.tag }}"

I get this result:

% relok8s chart move -i hints.yaml --registry registry.exampke.com mychart.tgz
Chart provided
Computing relocation...

Error: failed to pull original images: failed to parse image reference: could not parse reference: docker.io/grafana/agent:<no value>