Tanzu Framework provides a set of building blocks to build atop of the Tanzu platform and leverages Carvel packaging and plugins to provide users with a much stronger, more integrated experience than the loose coupling and stand-alone commands of the previous generation of tools.
Bug description Code coverage reports are not up-to-date on the main branch. https://app.codecov.io/gh/vmware-tanzu/tanzu-framework shows https://app.codecov.io/gh/vmware-tanzu/tanzu-framework/commit/bb07e036badf7db1089cd5ca67d51e97d54ff0fc as the latest commit which is 2 months old.
This leads to misleading code coverage comparisons in PR. Eg: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/tanzu-framework/pull/4626 reports coverage increase by 24.94%, however the commit changes don't impact the test coverage at all.
Ref post which explains this issue: https://community.codecov.com/t/how-to-prevent-codecov-from-using-a-commit-older-than-the-base-of-the-pr-to-do-comparison/3513
Affected product area (please put an X in all that apply)
Expected behavior Code coverage comparisons must be made w.r.t. the latest commit on main.
Steps to reproduce the bug
Version (include the SHA if the version is not obvious)
Environment where the bug was observed (cloud, OS, etc)
Relevant Debug Output (Logs, manifests, etc)